“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!” (Jer 29:11).

Yugadi (Kannada:, Telugu:) from yuga + aadi, yuga means era, aadi means start. The start of an era) is the New Year's Day for the people of the Deccan region of India. While the people of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh use the term Yugadi/Ugadhi for this festival, the people of Maharashtra term the same festival, observed on the same day, Gudi Padwa. Sindhis, people from Sindh, celebrate the same day as their New Year day Cheti Chand.. Manipuris also celebrate their New Year (Sajibu Cheiraoba) on the same day.

Ugadhi falls on a different day every year because the Indian calendar is a lunisolar calendar. The Saka calendar begins with the month of Chaitra (March/April) and Yugadi marks the first day of the new year.
The Kannada and Telugu people celebrate the festival with great fanfare; gatherings of the extended family and a sumptuous feast are 'de rigueur'. The day, however, begins with ritual showers (oil bath) followed by prayers, and then the eating of a specific mixture of -

· Neem Buds/Flowers for bitterness
· Raw Mango for tang
· Tamarind Juice for sourness
· Green Chilli/Pepper for heat
· Jaggery and ripe banana pieces for sweetness
· Pinch of Salt for saltiness

This mixture with all six tastes, called Yugadi Pachhadi in Telugu and Bevu-Bella in Kannada, symbolizes the fact that life is a mixture of different experiences (sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, surprise) , which should be accepted together and with equanimity.

This Ugadhi Let us be encouraged by this quotation

God loves to bring good out of bad. He loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections. Every obstacle is an opportunity. Every problem has potential. Every crisis is an opportunity for ministry. Every hurt God wants to use for His glory.” (Pastor Rick Warren)!

In Hebrew The New Year falls on September and the new year
celebrated by the Lord’s people is “Rosh Hashanah”.The Festival year of the Jews falls in the month of Nissan,starting with Pesach(Passover) to “YomHa Bikkurim”(the festival of the First fruits) which is also known as Pentecost inGreek and aslo “shavout” in the Hebrew. Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, literally "head of the year," , Israeli: Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈʁoʃ haʃaˈna], Ashkenazic: ˈɾoʃ haʃːɔˈnɔh, Yiddish: [ˈrɔʃəˈʃɔnə]) is a Jewish holiday commonly referred to as the "Jewish New Year." It is observed on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. It is ordained in the Torah as "Zicaron Terua" ("a memorial with the blowing of horns", in Leviticus 23:24. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), or Asseret Yemei Teshuva (Ten Days of Repentance) which are days specifically set aside to focus on repentance that conclude with the holiday of Yom Kippur.January is the month of new year as per the English calender.

A story happened in the past during Ugadhi goes like this:

A king in Dravidian dynasty had been for hunting in
the forest as usual as per the custom of the king.Unprecedently the king encountered a ferocious lion and was unable to resist it attacking on him.Immediately there were 7 youngmen of his neighboorhood dynasty was on similar way of hunting in the same forest.Listening to the terrible roaring of the Lion,the 7 youngmen reached the spot and supported the king in fighting and killing the ferocius lion.

The king took the 7 youngmen with him to his palace and gave a nice party an also gave an opportunity to fullfill one of their any desire.

1. The 1st youngmen requested that a good road facility should be provided from his village to the King’s capital.
2. The 2nd youngmen requested for 50 acres of land.
3. The 3rd youngmen requested for a good building.
4. The 4rd youngmen requested for 1 million rupees
5. The 5th youngmen requested for a nice chariot with arabian horses
6. The 6th youngmen requested for a love marriage with a woman he loved most
7. The 7th youngmen requested a strange desire asking king to accept his hospitality once in every month at his home due to the high regard and esteen he held for the king.

The king having fullfilled everyone’s desire but the 7th youngemn desire looked unto him very strangely.Eventhough king agreed the desire of the 7th youngmen.Inorder to fullfill the youngmen desire he made the following arrangements.

· There was no proper road facility from king’s palace to the youngmen abode.So the king ordered for a nice road to be made.

· The king found that the 7th youngmen was living in a poor thatched hut,so it would be dishonor for the king to have hospitality/banquet in the thatched hut.The king ordered a nice palce to be built for the youngemen.

· The king held a custom and there was a rule in the kingdom that a king shouldn’t have a hospitiality/banquets with a common man as per the security reasons.The king having found this bestowed on the 7th youngmen with royal estate.

· As per the kings dignity he also bestowed the youngmen with money and king’s retinue.

· The hospitality/banquet to the king should be
taken care or given under the guidance of the wife of the hosting household.The king found that the 7th youngmen was a bachelor and thought that “whoelse better knows the taste and desires of a king rather than his own daughter”.So the King gave his own daughter to the youngemen as a wife in the marriage.And made their Royal mariage.

In this way the 7th youngmen acquired more than the other 6 youngmen.

In the same way if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords “The Lion of Judah” “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”(Matt 6:33).All the Blessings/riches of this world will be provided to us.

“And preach as you go, saying, `The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay. Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the laborer deserves his food. And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it, and stay with him until you depart. As you enter the house, salute it. And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town”(Matt 10:7-14).

“When you Lust for God, Life will Lust after you!” (Creflo Dollar)

“God only uses imperfect people.It's all he has to work with."He understands how weak we are&knows we're only dust" Ps103:14 ( Rick Warren).

May we hope this Ugadhi bring us a new beginning and the “sign of Victory” in our lives.AMEN!

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