Once there was a man, who goes to the doctor due to some problem. He tells the doctor that, his wife is acting being deaf these days, i.e. no matter what this man says she is not replying to any of the things. The doctor says, "I do not have a treatment right now for this problem, I can suggest you something through which you can know her level of deafness then we can start treatment." The doctor says, go home and try calling your wife from 30 feet far and then go little closer and then call her again and go little further and repeat the same. Do this in order to know her level of deafness. The man says, "Ok doctor I will try this out" and left that place. The man goes home. He tells his wife, "Honey what's for dinner?" He does not get any reply. He goes little further and asks the same question. He does this ten times; he was almost near to her. Then for the 10th time she answers him saying, "How many times should I reply saying that today is the special dinner for you." Wow that’s sounds so different, That means it was not his wife who was deaf but he himself.  Friends, it is same with Our God. We think that we ask him so many things in prayer many times and Lord is not answering us. But it is the other way around. He always listens to our cry and answers our prayer as our Lord is gracious and merciful but we never realize them. He may give answers to our prayers to us but in different ways. Because he says, my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways. "O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as He hears, He will answer you." Isaiah 30:19.

1.Agape Love Divine Ministries

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