A man was walking down a deserted Mexican beach at sunset. As he walked along he began to see another man in the distance. As he grew nearer he noticed that the local native kept leaning down, picking something up, and throwing it out into the water. Time and again he kept hurling things out into the ocean. As our friend approached even closer he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had washed up onto the beach, and one at a time, he was throwing them back into the ocean. The first man was puzzled. He approached the man and said, "Good Evening Friend, I was wondering what are you doing?" And he replied, "I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, its low tide right now and all these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I don't throw them back into the sea, they will die from the lack of oxygen." "I understand," my friend replied "but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach and you couldn't possibly get to all of them. There are simply too many and don't you realize that this is happening on hundreds of beaches up and down this coast ... can't you see that that you can't possibly make a difference? The local native smiled, bent down, picked up yet another starfish ... and as he threw it back out into the sea, he replied, "It made a difference to that one!" You may feel like you cannot make a difference in the world today, but you CAN make a difference in one life at a time. Never underestimate your own efforts. You too could make a difference. Don't ask what the world could do for you; seek what you could do to the world.Many times we may not be recognized but the Almighty God will surely recognize us and bountifully reward us in His time and as per His plan on this planet earth and also in the eternity.

I started my ministry with 0 Rupees and with 0 People [means by faith],Even there was times when no people is there,God told me to speak to the walls, I thought nothing would workout without capital and nothing would make a difference. Today God proved me wrong he is changing people and making a difference in the lives of people.

Its not by money, nor by power,nor by might but by the spirit of the Lord!

“Actions we think are small & insignificant are big to God."Whoever can be trusted with little can be trusted with much" [Lk16:10]-Psr Rick Warren.

1.Agape Love Divine Ministries

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