God called us to be His witnesses

The FishGate-Part 10

Who is responsible for evangelism?

do remember since my 8th standard study in RBHS during 1994 I took a joyous experience in witnessing people. I carried bunch of gospel tracts and books in my schoolbag and used to distribute it to the friends and others and also explaining the gospel to my friends and discussing a lot about Jesus Christ.

Personal evangelism a great way to win souls

The responsibility had continued further by assisting my parents in evangelism and church plantation through Vishwavani movement in many unreached villages of Rangareddy Dist and Nalgonda Dist during 1997-2004.I had to stay in the villages and continue my college studies by witnessing to students and friends.Among many villages being evangelized by us are Kondamadugu and Dandumailram are the very hardcore villages where even a single believer was not present,there was much opposition from the people but today this villages have become big churches hundred’s of people worshipping in them and become the centre for evangelism for nearby villages.The   Witnessing is a part of Christian life whether you are in a full-time ministry or part time.Online or offline, christian life is an experience of witnessing  to others about Lord Jesus Christ. Some people think that it is the duty of the church pastor or evangelist or missionary to witness and win souls. Who is responsible for declaring the Gospel to the unbelieving world? Is the duty and privilege of proclaiming the good news of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ reserved solely for the Pastor-Teacher, the missionary and the evangelist? Definitely not! Presenting the Gospel to a lost and dying world is the responsibility of every believer. The Lord commissioned all born-again believers to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). But my dear brothers and sisters you are being the sheep fold in the church should give birth to as many sheep by witnessing among your friends, relatives and at work place. The Church growth takes place when every part of the member of the church involves in witnessing. You are the reason for the church growth and the ministers of God are day and night involved in sowing the seed of the gospel to as many people.


Master the Personal Evangelism
Apart from the divine appointment of every believer  to be a great commissioner of witnessing there exists the spiritual gift of evangelism to a few believers (Eph 4:11).This spiritual gift grants the evangelist the ability to gain the attention of Large crowds of unbelievers.Both functions are coexist in God’s plan.Whether you chose to do personal evangelism or Mass evangelism winning crowds for Jesus depends upon your burden and desire for the work of the extension of the Kingdom of God.God guides you,gives you wisdom and knowledge so that you can disseminate the gospel.

Witnessing as great commissioner and mass evangelism are meant to function together to be most effective. Suppose a gifted evangelist is invited through a 200 member church and he speaks for a couple of days in a town and 100 unbelievers are saved how wonderful it is that 100 people are saved through Mass evangelism.

Personal and Mass Evangelism both are effective
In another case, let us assume that two hundred members of a church begin to witness to unbelievers with whom they meet every day. This personal witnessing might be with our schoolmates, college mates colleagues, friends,Online friends, neighbors or relatives. If in a given week each member leads one person to Jesus Christ, there are 200 hundred new believers in contrast to 100 believers in mass evangelism. The cause of evangelism will move forward rapidly if we followed the principle of mass and personal evangelism working side –by-side. Although every believer does not have the gift of evangelist, every believer is responsible for witnessing.
                                                                                                                  (To be continued.............)                                          


  5. “What is reverse tithing” By Rick warren 
  6. “Witnessing” by late Colonel Rb Thieme jr.pg1, 3-6, 25, 
  7. “The Divine outline of history Dispensations and the church” by late Colonel RB Thieme Jr Pg 75-76 
  9.  Today Handbook of Bible Times and Customs by William Coleman Page 13 of Bethany House publishers.
  10. Support raising by Author Steve Shadrach: 
  12.  Living Waters from the River of Life by Pastor Jim Feeney, Ph.D.
  13.  The other Arab Spring by Thomas L.Friedman DC 9/4/2012. 
  14. What does the Arab world do when its water runs out? John Vidal The Observer, Sunday 20 February 2011Article history 
  15. King fo Kings and Lord of Lords by late Col R.B.Thieme Jr Page;8,17,22,26,27 

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