"Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep"- Psalm 121:4.
US and UK Naval power massing in the
 Persian Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike.
Recently we heard through the news that an Armada of US and UK Naval power enmassing in the Persian Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike.

In the past Iran has made very irrational comments on annihilating Israel from the Globe. Even Mr.Ahmadinejad statement has gone further reversing the historical Holocaust denial during Hitler regime.

KING of Jeshurun adventurously, historically discusses some of the crucial statements made by the Iran Nation in regard to Israel on Al-Qud’sday. Ahmadinejad threatens that ‘Israel Will Soon Be Destroyed’.

“Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.”-Psalm 129:5

What is Al-Qud's day?

Quds Day, officially in Iran known as International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979, that is commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadan, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem; Quds is that city's Arabic name.
Quds is not y[o]urs Qud's is Yahweh's

Quds Day rallies were first suggested by Ebrahim Yazdi, the first foreign minister of Islamic Republic of Iran, and then introduced in Iranby the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 and the day's parades are sponsored and organized annually by the Iranian government there.

Quds Day is also commemorated in several countries in the Arab and Muslim world with protests against the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem.
(Al -Qud's day coutesy by

In an annual anti-Israel protest in Tehran on Al Quds day on August 17 2012  Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad proclaimed that the Jewish state was a “cancerous tumor” that will soon be excised.
 Ahmadinejad’s Statements: Death to America
            Ahmadinejad’s Statements:
 Death to Israel  and death to America
“If they make a mistake, our nation’s reaction will lead to the end of the Zionist regime,” he said.

United States has responded to the Ahmadinejad’s Statements as “culpable”; even France considered it as “Offensive.” 

Ahmadinejad’s criticism against Israel in his Quds (Jerusalem) Day address was the latest attack on Israel in Aug 17 2012 than the earlier statements made by him such as to annihilate Israel from the globe.
Strait of Hormuz
Details of US and UK Naval ships which are based at 
Strait of Hormuz at Persian Gulf

If we rightfully analyze his statements it looks like a statement of a dictator or a terrorist. Does he have any right to wipe the freedom and independence of any country which existed since long back and been under various foreign invasions. India and Israel has many common features like India has been invaded by many foreign invasions from Alexander the great, Akbar, Babar, Aurangzeb and Britishers.India got independence during 1947 from the British rule. In this case can any country claim that they wish to annihilate India from the globe is sheer stupidity and will be counted as arrogance. India even though has good relationship with Israel on many aspects but the congress government is unable to take a stern support to support Israel and stand against the terrorism of Iran. India is getting lot of petroleum imports from Iran and wish that it doesn’t break this business.
Jesus is the Way
Believe in the word of God  Stand with Jesus Christ
 and bless Israel so you will be blessed

Some more similarities between India and Israel is that they are fighting against the growing Islamic terrorism. Israel has super counter mechanism against terrorist activities but India has experienced a huge loss and thousands of terrorist activities since its independence. Today even the culprit of Mumbai massacre Mr.Azmal kasab is under judicial custody and pleading mercy for the awaiting death sentence.

Nearly half of the Kashmir has been under the terrorist influence and they wish to take Kashmir to Pakistan. Kashmir is considered to be the eastern Switzerland because of its beauty, natural vegetation and cimatic conditions.
Psalm 35:20 "They do not speak peaceably, but devise false
 accusations against those who live quietly in the land".
Psalm 43:1 "Vindicate me, O God, and plead mycause against 
an ungodly nation; rescue me from deceitful and wicked men".

Coming to the point of Iran it always says “The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a cancerous tumor,”He further stated on Al-Quds day that the surrounding nations across Israel will soon finish the Israel as well as it’s supporters. By God’s Help and the support of the middle east soon Zionists and America will be not having any trace.

Israel by listening to the terrific statements made by Iran has intensified its threats to curb the Iran nuclear enrichment programme probably considered to be manufacturing the atomic bombs which can be used agaist Israel destruction. Israel thus decided to bomb Iran nuclear facilities in a continuous effort to stop the Iran nuclear enrichment programme to produce nuclear weapons.

Pic shows Israel capability of
destroying  Iran's nuclear arsenl

Iran since long back has started the nuclear program has faced the United Nations sanctions and suffering a lot but it says that they mean the nuclear enrichment programme for peaceful process and not to produce atom bombs. However it s clear by the continuous statement made by Iran to destroy Israel and America will be considered to be Iran’s ulterior motives behind the nuclear programme is sheer production of weapons of mass destruction.

 “They (the Israelis) know very well they don’t have the ability” to successfully attack Iran, foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency that “The Israelis know very well they don’t have the ability to successfully attack the Iran”.

But Israel even though geographically considered to be a small country has historical Divine protection from the early beginning of its birth since 1948 and during the six days war and Yom Kippur war Israel victoriously battled with its neighbor attacking countries like Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt etc.
Israel -Iran war scenarios is  Iran, foreign ministry
 spokesman  Ramin Mehmanparast statements justified ?

The Iran foreign ministry spokesman further said:

“If they make a mistake, our nation’s reaction will lead to the end of the Zionist regime,”

Is Iran has a right to annihilate Israel but If Israel attacks on Iran for self defense then it is a mistake? and thus provocating Israel they wish to end the Israel from the globe.

During the Al-Quds day the Iran state television showed thousands of its citizens marching under the scorching sun in Tehran and in other Iranian cities to commemorate Annual Al-Quds day which is aimed at conquering Israel and Jerusalem for the Palestinian cause. The Al-Quds day was launched by the founder of the Islamic republic late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini just after the 1979 revolution that was the outcome of his power to rule Iran.
Israel and Iran Armament
Israel and Iran Armament comparison

During demonstration in Iran and even other Islamic countries Palestinian flags and pictures of Ayatollah Ali Khomineni and also banners reading “Death to Israel” and “Death to America" were demonstrated on the roads.

"General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the head of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards, stated  the Fars news agency in  the Tehran Al-Quds rally that “the Iranian nation has always been at the forefront of the (regional anti-Israeli) resistance in showing its animosity with Israel.”

Ahmadinejad in his hate speech further stated that the Jews were the reason for triggering the World Wars I and II and they had taken full control over world affairs since the moment they became dominant over the American government.

US National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor told AFP that Ahmadinejad’s comments were “hateful and divisive.”

“We strongly condemn the latest series of offensive and reprehensible comments by senior Iranian officials that are aimed at Israel,” Vietor said.

“The entire international community should condemn this hateful and divisive rhetoric.”

The Bible Prophecies are true because those who Bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed according to the promise made to Abraham…..

“I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Gen 12:31)...

God always rescues Israel because He has chosen it. No matter even at the end of 7 years period of tribulation there will be a mass worldwide nations attack on Israel like a world war III during which  the Jews completely loses hope that they will vanish but the Lord Jesus appear with His saints from the heaven and destroys the enemies of Israel as He always did since the creation except under the divine discipline.

What every reader irrespective of religion, race and gender should understand from this Biblical prophecies is...Jesus came to this world as a Lamb of God as a salvation for us and died and resurrected for every man to be saved so the sins of every man will be forgiven……..

Are you vexed with tyranny,terrorism Wars and opression.Believe in theLord Jesus to see the New Peaceful world of Eternal life where.......

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Believe in Jesus escape torments of Hell and  inherit the Eternal life in Jesus today


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