“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"(John 8:32).

The truth will set you free
Jesus said that if we Believe the truth, then the truth will make us free. This is an amazing statement and one that we should bring to our remembrance again and again. In John chapter 17 verse 17 Jesus tells us exactly what the truth is. He said, my word is truth. The words of Scripture, both the old and the new Testament, are truth. And it is believing the truth that we find on the pages of the Bible, really taking it into our heart and making it a part of who we are as a person, that makes us free.

Of course this freedom includes the fundamental freedom from seeing through 
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As we believe in him, and the sacrifice he made on our behalf on the cross, as sins are forgiven and we walk in right standing with God. Surely there can be no greater freedom than this.
John 8:32
 " .....The truth  will set you free."-John 8:32.                    Photo

This freedom the Jesus promises however does not stop here. In the book Peter, the apostle speaks about how God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Everything concerning our life, both natural and spiritual. In the scriptures we find promises for every area of our life, here and now and on through eternity. As we take these promises, and internalise these truths, we are set free.

To be set free in the realm of finance for example, we need toYes take into our heart and believe the promises concerning finance. When these are then acted upon and spoken on a continual basis truth will begin to manifest in that area of our life. The same is true for our physical body, our relationships, our families, ministry, and even our nation.

Is Christians it behoves us to spend time in the scriptures, letting them get down on the inside, into our heart. In this way God’s word can go to work on our behalf. As we work out in obedience what he works in through his truth we will truly see miracles taking place in our lives.

About the Guest Author:

David Lee Martin

Article by David Lee Martin, author of the Spirit Life Bible School ( and the website. David teaches ordinary people to know when to walk with an extraordinary God!

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