I am the Lord your Healer !

"Praise the LORD! O my soul, and forget not all his benefits"(Psalm 103:2).
God is my Healer too! What about you ?

Before few days back until last week on 4/11/2014 I had an excruciating tooth pain which I had never before in my life.I was praying to God for the healing but slowly it has become an excruciating pain.So I inquired the LORD saying:" I have trusted for all the healings in my life in your presence,You did mighty miracles in my life but Iam unable to bear this pain.Do you want me to consult a dentist in this regard and take medicine?Of course the doctors and the invention of medicines are also a part of your blessing of healing.But Lord I want your direct healing touch.I was humbly praying to God whether your presence is with me or not? 

Like Gideon verification of God's presence in his life,Gideon being exceedingly cautious, requested two additional signs from God: "If you will save Israel by my hand..." (Judges 6:36-40).The first sign: dew on fleece, ground around it dry in the morning. The second sign: dew on ground, fleece dry. Yes, God was with Gideon and Gideon was ready to do whatever the Lord asked of him.

Jesus Christ is same yesterday today to heal and resore you....
So I said to God today (4/11/2014) is my last day to trust you for my healing and tomorrow on 5/11/2014 if the pain reappears, I mean that you want me to consult a physician in this regard.If the pain doesn't appear tomorrow I believe that you have completely relieved me from my pain as my Doctor to doctors (Jehovah Rapha).

"He said, “If you will carefully obey the Lord your God, do what he sees to be right, listen to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, then I won’t inflict on you all the diseases that I inflicted on the Egyptians, because I am the Lord your healer.”(Exo 15:26).

With His stripes we are healed
"Healing is not secondary to God’s will. It is His will. It is His nature or instinct to heal. We see that in the first words of Genesis, where God broods over chaos. God reveals Himself by deeds, not words, and His actions tell us what He is, and what we can expect Him to be and do. He brought and brings order into chaos. Any healing is a window into the heart of God and part of His essential glory. God bless you".-REINHARD BONNKE

Dear Reader! Jesus Christ is same yesterday,today and forever!
If you are going through any unbearbale pain in your life? Claim the blood of Jesus for healing and restoration.Jesus Heals and relieves you from any kind of excruciating pain...

"You need not fear terror that stalks in the night,
the arrow that flies in the day,
plague that strikes in the darkness,
or calamity that destroys at noon....
“Lord, you are my refuge!”
Because you chose the Most High as your dwelling place,
no evil will fall upon you,
and no affliction will approach your tent" (Psalm 91:5-10).

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