Titanic's Angel of Mercy
The Reverend John Harper Story

INTRODUCTION:Titanic was the Hollywood’s Master movie wherein we see the Leonardo decaprio and Kate winslet’s action based love story.Whole world Knows titanic in this sense but there happened a real life story of an evangelist who even tried to preach the gospel in the time of disaster.This historical accident in titanic wasn’t left by the almighty’s grace providence of salvation.Divine grace has been poured on the hundreds of people who were on the board of titanic.

“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works”(II Tim 3:14-17).

Where was God when Titanic went down? For some aboard the sinking ship, He was nowhere to be found. He was there for many others, providing a spiritual lifeboat throughout the ordeal. And for others still, He appeared in the form of a servant sent to lead them to Jesus and life everlasting.God's servant aboard Titanic was second class passenger Reverend John Harper, a Baptist minister born May 29, 1872, to a solid Christian family in Houston Renfrewshire, Scotland. As his young life unfolded, he was consumed by the word of God, and, by age 17, he was preaching the gospel on the streets of his village. A few years later, his calling led him to London, England, where his giant passion for the salvation of others became the defining mission of his ministry.Empowered with courage and compassion, he started his own church in September of 1896-now known as the Harper Memorial Baptist Church in Glasgow. His congregation grew dramatically over the next 13 years. He married during this time but was widowed shortly after God blessed their union with a beautiful baby girl.Her name was Annie Jessie Harper but Reverend Harper called her "Nina." She was six years old when she boarded Titanic in Southampton with her father and his sister-in-law, Miss Jessie Wills Leitch. They were on their way to Chicago where Harper was scheduled to conduct a series of revival meetings.On the evening of April 14, 1912, Reverend Harper was on deck admiring the sunset. "It will be beautiful in the morning," he remarked as the RMS Titanic sailed swiftly through the bitterly cold Atlantic. At 11:40 p.m., the promise of a beautiful morning was dashed when an iceberg scraped the ship's starboard side, ripping open six watertight compartments. According to reports, John Harper rushed his daughter to lifeboat 11, kissed her goodbye and handed her over to Aunt Jessie, promising they would see him again someday. Flares that lit the dark sky were reflected in the tears on his face as he backed away into a crowd of desperate souls. Only minutes later, Titanic literally broke in half, plunging 1,498 people into the dark, frigid waters. John Harper was one of them.Survivors later recalled seeing the reverend swimming through the 28- degree water, trying to lead the doomed to Christ. One young man testified a stranger swam up to him and asked, "Are you saved?" When "No" was his reply, the stranger tossed him his life jacket and said, "Here then; you need this more than I do," and swam away to others. Because of the intense cold, he had grown too weak to swim. His last words before slipping under: "Believe in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved."Following the disaster, a nameless survivor wrote about the stranger who urged him to call out to Jesus for his soul's safety: "Then and there, with two miles of water beneath me, in my desperation I cried to Christ to save me." Of the 1,498 people who went into the water that night, only six were rescued. One of them was this young man. The survivor later claimed the stranger, who prayed for the eternal welfare of others, was the Reverend John Harper, Titanic's Angel of Mercy.

Letter sent by John Harper from the Titanic
Thursday 11 April 1912
A letter written on board on company notepaper exists it reads: My Dear Brother Young, I am penning you this line just before we get in to Queenstown to assure you that I have not forgotten you and especially all your kindness while we were North. I intended sending on Mrs. Pratt's train fares just before I left but in the rush which was exceptional having had 11 or 12 services for the week-end I was unable to get it done. I will send it on from Chicago. We had a great season of blessing during the last few days in Walworth. I don't know how I am to thank dear Aunty Mary and yourself for all your kindness the Lord will repay you for it all. Trust things are going well at Paisley Road. The warriors are with me here and are doing well so far on the journey. Very kindest love, your loving auld Pastor John Harper.
Another letter written on White Star notepaper and posted in Queenstown 11th April 1912)
My Dear Mother Superior,
I am penning this wee note just before we sail into Queenstown. The Warriors are with me and all of us are getting on well.Although they are with me you are not to think we are going to remain on the other side. Far from this we hope to be back in August and in Scotland in the Autumn.We had a blessed time in Walworth during the last week. Quite a season of revival, I am confident there are going to be [piece missing].Remember me to all the moucher both auld and young and tell them they might each one of them write their auld Pastor a wee note and he will send them a post card.Kindest love to yourself and all of the clan.Your loving auld Pastor John.
Conclusion:By this real story of Mr.John Harper at the time of titanic reminds us that God wants us to learn the importance of the Great Commission! There is no season or out of season to fulfill the Great Commission.The children of God is commanded to fulfill this command through personal evangelism or by Mass evangelism as the lord leads.We need not to be ashamed of the circumstances in the life boat of ours.My Dear Friend! Whatever the adversities you may be facing, do not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine”(2 Tim 4:2).
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek”(Rom 1:16).

Related Biographies:
John Harper
Sources for this article: "The Titanic's Last Hero" by Moody Press 1997," John Climie, George Harper, & Bill Guthrie from "Jesus Our Jubilee Ministries" in Dallas, Oregon

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