“ You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich”(2 Cor 8:9).
As the Scriptures say,
“They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” ( II Cor 9:9;Psalm 112:9).

Once upon a time a man called Nicholas lived in Patara, a town in the East; It is now in the country of turkey. Because he was very fond of children and was kind and generous to them, they came to think of him as their dear friend and their beloved saint. So it was that after a time the wonderful things he did were woven into a beautiful legend. You know that Santa means Saint and Claus stands for Nicholas, and that is how he came to be known as Santa Claus. In Santa Claus's own town, Patara, lived a great lord who had three daughters. He was very poor, so poor that one day he was on the point of sending his daughters out to beg for food from his neighbors. But it happened that Saint Nicholas not long before had come into a fortune, and as he loved giving to those in need, he no sooner heard of the trouble the poor lord was in than he made up his mind to help him secretly. So he went to the nobleman's house at night, and as the moon shone out from behind a cloud, he saw an open window into which he threw a bag of gold, and with this timely gift the father was able to provide for his eldest daughter so that she could be married. On another night Santa Claus set off with another bag of gold, and threw it in at the window, so the second daughter was provided for. But by this time, the father had grown eager to discover who the mysterious visitor could be, and next night he kept on the lookout. Then for the third time Santa Claus came with a bag of gold upon his back and itched it in at the window. The old lord at once recognized his fellow townsman, and falling on his knees, cried out "Oh! Nicholas, servant of God, why seek to hide yourself?" Is it not wonderful to think that this was so long ago, sixteen hundred years, yet we still look for the secret coming of Santa Claus with his Christmas gifts? At first he was said to come on his own birthday, which is early in December, but after awhile, as was very natural with Christmas so near, the night of his coming was moved on in the calendar.

The night of his coming was moved on in the calendar, and now we hang up our stockings to receive his gifts on Christmas Eve. In some countries children still put their shoes by the fireside on his birthday. In others they say it is the Christ-Kindle in or Christ Child who brings the gifts at Christmastime. But it is always a surprise visit, and though it has happened so many hundreds of years, the hanging up of the Christmas stocking is still as great a delight as ever. But one thing we can learn from this true story and we can implement in this coming Christmas, offer help to anyone who needs it.

“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God” ( Heb 13:16).
Selected Bibliography:
Saint Nicholas :Discovering the Truth About Santa Claus


  1. Thanks Sreedhar Jeshurun for sharing.Wish you a joyful Xmas in advance.

    Keep Smiling!
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  2. Dear Friend, Please help! I'm confused by what seem to be conflicting parts of your website. On the one hand, there are articles about Xmas and more mainstream Christian (and Eastern?) ideas, but on the other hand, it seems your site is considered one of 100 best Torah-observant Messianic sites. The title of the site seems to indicate a real interest in the Old Testament Scriptures (as well as the New), which I sincerely hope is the case. Our Messiah was a Torah-observant Jew, Whose Name is Yeshua. As He was not Greek, no one in His day would ever have called Him by a Greek name. He said that not one jot or tittle of His beautiful Law would pass away. And throughout Israel's theocracy, He desired that His people would adhere to His ways. He cautioned them (and us) against polluting His Truth by mixing the ways of the pagan nations with true worship of Him. Sadly, the mainstream church does this very thing, with their hybrid doctrines and celebrations. No matter how "pretty" a lie may be, it's still a lie.
    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
    James 1:26-27
    He rescued us from the law of sin and death, the carnal nature - and He looks for our faithfulness to Him and His way. Please be careful of offending the Blessed One as the Christians do by incorporating other ideas into their doctrines.
    May you be blessed as you seek to follow Him faithfully.
