This Article is Presented by me to the question raised by few American Christians on the Chrisitian Dating website ( FORUM by the Title
Does height really matter? Would you marry a short guy?
Posted : 15 Dec, 2009 11:33 PM

I Do believe that Height should not become impotant in matimony.We see that many affluent and leaders of the world married woman who were taller than their height.

For eg:

1.Nicholas sarkozy the president of France married Carla Bruni who is taller than him.What's wrong!

2.World famous Writer Mr.Slaman Rushdie married padmalakshmi godrej who is taller than him what's wrong!

3.In India Congress party chairman daughter Priyanka Gandhi married Robert wadhera who is shorter than her. What’s wrong! they are leading a happy life.

Many Hi-Fi Personalities with the combination of Shorter men married Taller women.

Marriages are made in heaven but maintained on the earth!We need to look at the real person Inside the body not the outer ones.Is any father or mother thinks that their children shouldn't grow taller than them?If they think in that way is not it uncomfortable?Indeed every parent desires that their children should grow in every aspect of their life more than they are achieved.And if we love our spouse,we need to think in the same sphere.

I believe that it is the personality of inner man which should be Important and the basics.Why always men should be higher than women? why women should not be higher than men?I believe when God Created Adam and Eve he might have

created equally proportioned in Height & in Age.But the choice rests with us.A person's 1.Oneness In God 2.Oneness in mind, character &commitment is the essential ingredients in a christian marriage.

when people of this world are marrying eachother not bothering regading height why we christians should bother about our height and make it a critical issue in the marriage.

Tall Women with Short Men !

Here is an excellent informative Excerpt by Tall corina.Read it and Enjoy!
Do tall women like short men?

Yes, women like short men or tall men and all types of men. Most women prefer a man to be taller because of social expectations but when it comes down whether they like a man or not...his height won't be the most important quality in her attraction to a man. Men give more importance to "certain look" than women do. I heard many men told me they would date only thin women or said they only get sexually attracted to thin women.

As far as women, I never heard a woman say she gets attracted only to tall men or only to muscular men. Women's sexuality isn't as visual, where as in men, visual attraction plays a lot bigger role. If you are a short men, you don't have to worry about woman's sexual attraction, it's more in her mind than in her eyes.

Tall woman with short men is Sexy!:

Yes, tall women with short men look very sexy, it's so rare and very attractive. You can see many celebrities where a man is a lot shorter than a woman. Look at the pictures of tall men and women in this article "Why do tall women love little men?" It's so beautiful to see a tall woman with a with a short man. Tall women turn peoples heads who eager to look at them and when a tall woman with much shorter man they turn heads even more.

Many rich and famous men dated very tall women and in our society tall is equal to beauty, model type looking, so no surprise why rich men and go for tall women too. If a man and a woman secure enough in who they are, it won't matter how tall they are either.

Experience with short men in my life:

In my article Dating as a Tall Girl you can read more about my dating experience.
I can tell you it was great to date short men also, girls can easily fall in love with a short man too.
I never felt uncomfortable dating short guys. I always dated many men at that time in my search for my soul mate. Those men put so much effort in getting my attention, asking me out, being so nice and affectionate maybe that's why I never felt uncomfortable with them.
They made me feel loved, welcomed and appreciated that I was always happy around them.
Usually I think I prefer taller men but when I meet a short man who I really like I could easily forget about all my preferences and expectations.

Short Husband:

Maybe you wonder if my husband is a tall man or not. My husband and I are about the same height but I don't consider him to be tall at all. Mostly, because when we are around people, people usually tell me "Wow, you are so tall!" but they never tell it to my husband even that we are similar height! So, he isn't tall at all, but it's o'kay. Very often I look even taller than he is because of my shoes and because I'm a woman. You know, women aren't expected to be my height... I always thought before I probably would marry a taller man, but I was wrong.
I found so many attractive qualities in him that it wasn't even a question in my mind whether I want to be with him or not. I married him even that he is not the tallest men I dated. He has unique qualities that I can't find in anyone. His wonderful character is more important than his lack of height. We have been married for many years already.

My sister is married to a man who is the same height as her as well (she is about 5'9 tall and her husband is similar height also). So, there are many women who want to marry a man that is not taller than her.

-Tall Corina

Finally My dear Brothers & Sisters We need to Orient to the following Divine viewpoint of the Bible.Inorder to fullfill the viewpoint will of God and Operational will of God in our day to day christians lives it is mandatory for us to see the intrinsic values of people rather than adhering the extrinsic appearance of a people.

"But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (I Sam 16:7).

"Then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive and act and render to each according to all his ways,whose heart You know, for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men" (I Kings 8:39).

"As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intents of the thoughts......" (I chronicles 28:9).

And He said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15).

"Every man's way is right in his own eyes,But the LORD weighs the hearts" ( Prov 21:2).

Selected Bibliography:

1. Famous Couples With Taller Women: Is Height Just A Number? (PHOTOS)
14 Jun 2009 ... Female acceptance of a short man is linked directly to the thickness of the wallet. .... The men got shorter and weaker and the women got taller and more ... that short men all over the world find love and get married? -

Why DO tall women love little men? Mail Online
23 Aug 2007 ... As a tall woman myself I would never dream of dating a shorter man, I like the feeling of feeling 'small' stood next to tall guys as opposed

Tall Women with Short men
tall women with short men, women, woman, taller, men, man, short, dating, attraction, height, ... I married him even that he is not the tallest men I dated.

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