My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter from Nazareth-Israel of Asia!.

You must have heard about the famous racehorses, the kind you might see at the Kentucky Derby or other prestigious horse races. Did you ever think how much time, effort, and resources go into the making of one of those championship horses? There are not ordinary horses; these are thoroughbreds (The Thoroughbred is a horse breed best known for its use in horse racing). They have generation after generation of winners on the inside. These horses have been carefully studied and bred for generations. In horse racing, the “blood stock agent” focuses his attention on the animal’s bloodline. They might spend months to do such a research. Simply to breed one of these world champion thoroughbreds can cost to half a million dollars. And there’s no guarantee that the colt will win. The uninformed observer might say, “Those poor owners wasted their money. That horse couldn’t win anything. He looks like an average, ordinary horse.” But the owners know that on the inside, in his blood, that colt has a legacy of championship genes. It’s all in the blood. That’s why the owners are not necessarily concerned about the colt’s initial weakness. They don’t care what color he is, how pretty he is, or even how large he is. They know that deep down on the inside, that colt has the blood of a winner.  Friend, this is how God looks at you and me. Our external appearance is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is what’s your ethnic background is. It doesn’t matter how many weaknesses or flaws you have. You have the DNA of the Almighty God. You come from a long line of champions. On the inside of you are seeds of greatness. Take a better look at your bloodline. That’s why you must quit focusing on your weaknesses and get a bigger vision for your life. Understand that God sees you already at the Winner’s Circle. 

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" [John 1:12-13].

1.Agape Love Divine Ministries

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