Is love is blind ?
Love is Blind Revisited-Part 1
  • One day, madness and love decided to play hide and seek.
  • Madness decided to be the first to count, as he was counting, love can't decide where to hide....
  • So at the last second, she threw herself at the rose bush.
  • madness searched but can't find love anywhere. 
  • So in frustration, he thrust a spear into the rose bushes.
  • Surprised to find blood, he looked further and found love's eyes mixed with blood and tears......
  • He cried and promised love that he'll be her eyes forever.....
  • from then on... love was blind... accompanied with madness

  • Samson became blind by  having the (erotic) Love with Delila
love is blind
Samson blinded by erotic love

Love is like a heaven but it hurts like a hell!

I found this quote on the backside board of a RTC Bus while as a commuter to my job location. It made me to think a lot on this subject and I praise God for the Divine Guidance on this sensitive issue of life mostly entangled by the today’s youth. The word love is being greatly misused by the people and the devil is very smart in luring today’s generation on this concept of love. The devil is ruining many lives ,so many were hurt, greatly depressed, even thought of committing suicide because of their love failure or really failed & falled  in love. The media, film industry etc are making much exploitation on the concept of (erotic) love. To the world I may look improper or even insane but it doesn’t matter. When we speak up the truth we need to speak the truth or reveal the truth. Those who take heed of this teachings of the book of God will be really blessed and will enjoy the life as per the standards of God. Never fall victim to the devil schemes.

Here is a allustration of how the relationships/friendships  are  maintained by bothe girl and boys and describes how people  wasting their God given time  for the sake of acquiring something esoteric or mysterious experience of lovely relationships. If you were hurt even you have a beautiful reply to be answered who took undue advantage of you.

Today’s Relationships/friendships

Love is blind
Hurt by love
Boys/Girls  relationship is a bigger mystery . It's not just about boy/girl friends, we're talking about guy friends that gals have and gal friends that guys too have.

Do you have a boy/gal who is just a friend? Are you confused why the frequency of calls increases as exams come closer? Or why she always hangs around with the moron who isn't fit to wear Jeetendra's white shoes? Here's a ready reckoner for you:

* % just a friend % *
Well, you are like a show piece in my house. I will call you whenever I need you. If you call me home the chances are 9 out of 10 times she might say, "Oh Raj, I am going out can you call me after 2 days??"

Raj: "Where are you going Shilpa??"
Shilpa: "None of your business" and bangs the phone.(Useless fellow.Hmmph!).

Is love kills ?
* % Good Friend % *
You are like a TV remote control. I need you and I know that but I try using you when I really need you.

Raj calls: "Hi Shilpa",
Shilpa: "Hi Raj. I am going out with family I will call you back. Bye"

(Shilpa eventually calls back after two days)
Shilpa: "What do you want Raj? Why did you call that day?"..
Raj: "Generally".

Shilpa: "Oh ok. I got to go out. Will call you later. Bye."
Will call when she needs lecture notes or some concert tickets.

* % Very good friend % * 

love is blind
Blinded by love

Well you are like the pressure cooker safety value for the girl, she will need you when she wants to bring out her pain or anger on someone. Basically, she wants to talk to you and you are special to her.

Shilpa: "You know Raj, Shekhar is not eating. He doesn't sleep and is not able to concentrate on his studies. I think he doesn't like me anymore and yesterday I saw him with another girl". 

Raj: "Who is Shekhar??"

Shilpa : "My boyfriend."
Raj: Oh! ok.

* % Best Friend % *
You are like the auto rickshaw driver. She can't live without you and don't be mistaken, You are not her boyfriend. But you are allowed to take her little doggie around the park so that he (not you!) can have fun.

Raj Shopping. Raj Movie. Raj Coffee Raj, you pay. I am having fun.

Raj is now sure that he should go ahead and propose. He dares.
Shilpa: "But I thought we were just friends. We should remain friends Raj. Plus, I have a boy friend you know that."
Raj: What?? (Raj drinks all night).

* % Best of the Bestest Friends % *
Ok now you are really special, You are dad-cum-boyfriend- cum-brother- cum-everything, Ultimately you are the darling servant of the girl.

Love quotes

You take her around.
You make her project.
You do her assignments.
You are allowed to take her doggie around.
You can hold hands on the beach.
You can see the sun set with her (because she wants to do everything she drags you along). 

But but but... don't be mistaken. She has a boyfriend who works for a huge software company and earns 5 times the salary you earn and has a posh flat in an up class area.

Shilpa: "Hi Raj. I am getting engaged to Shekhar. Shekhar this is Raj, he is my bestest friend".

Raj: Hi Shekhar . (Hand shake. Shekhar breaks Raj's wrist).
Raj is now heart broken and wrist broken.

* % Boyfriend %*
Uh... No comments dude. You're already Gone! 

Love is blind
Doubting love is blind?
This will open our eyes!!!!

Share it with boys to improve their Knowledge bank =)

Share it with girls who want to live in reality and won’t mind laughing at this =)

Shakespeare’s Love Quotes

Shakespeare love quote 4: A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Act 1, Scene 2
The course of true love never did run smooth

Love cannot see follies
Shakespeare love quote 5: Much Ado About Nothing – Act 3, Scene 2 Love goes by haps; Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps
Shakespeare love quote 6: Antony & Cleopatra – Act 5, Scene 5    
The stroke of death is as a lovers pinch, Which hurts and is dersired 
Shakespeare love quote 8: A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Act 1, Scene 1   
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind

An excerpt from discovery news 4

william shakespear
Merchant of venice

Shakespeare wrote in The Merchant of Venice that “love is blind and lovers cannot see.” More than 400 years later, brain imaging has offered some scientific support to that iambic verse.

Looking at a brain in love is like watching a neurological fireworks display.

The ventral tegmental area and ventral striatum, nestled in the center of the brain, light up excitedly as the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine spring into action, causing a person to have short attention spans, feel giddiness and crave the object of her desire.

A 2005 study by Rutgers University biological anthropologist Helen Fisher and colleagues examined the fMRI brain scans of 17 men and women who reported being truly, madly in love. Each of the images showed the same activity in the brain’s reward system as that which occurs in the brain of a cocaine addict.

What’s more, the love-struck participants could readily tick off traits or characteristics they didn’t particularly like about their beloveds, but under the influence of pleasure-enhancing dopamine and other monoamines, they quickly overlook those faults.

love is blind
I love you has deeper meaning
“Once you fall in love with somebody, once they trigger the brain system for falling in love, love is blind, no question about that,” said Fisher, who recently wrote Why Him? Why Her?, which explores the neurological underpinning of romance.

And once people fall in love, they’re essentially at the mercy of the brain’s reward system until the neurotransmitters oxytocin and vasopressin, which are associated with long-term bonding, produce their calming, stabilizing effect.

But before that dizzying dopamine-fueled process even begins, Fisher told Discovery News that people have much more power to decide who’ll receive their affections.

“Love is extremely blind once you’ve chosen your partner, but it’s not so blind while you’re making that choice,” Fisher said. “Basically, this concept of who you choose, it’s like a funnel. At any point, there are breaking points, moments where it’s just not going to work."

Mate selection -- as opposed to being in love -- is fairly pragmatic, in fact.

People subconsciously select mates who come from common socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, geographies, education levels and upbringings.

For better or worse, we tend to pick potential partners who are a lot like us.

love is blind
Poem on love is blind

So while we’re searching around for a sweetheart, the ball is our court to reject those who don’t share commonalities and mesh with what Fisher calls our “love maps,” or the temperaments and features we develop attractions to from childhood. That way, we don’t fall for just anyone.

“In other words, you and I can walk into a room and if everyone was a Pygmy and came up to our hips, we probably wouldn’t fall in love with them…because they’re too unfamiliar,” Fisher explained.

Gordon G. Gallup, an evolutionary psychologist at State University of New York at Albany agrees that people are generally more drawn to others with mutual interests and backgrounds.

“At least for the development of healthy, long-term relationships, it’s not the case that opposites attract,” said Gallup, an expert in interpersonal attraction.

In addition to the lifestyle and temperamental traits that draw two people together, Gallup’s extensive research has also found that innate physical attraction is far from blind. Instead, it engages all of our senses to detect whether someone is a reproductive match.

Take hearing someone’s voice, for instance.

Gallup and fellow researchers found that for women who aren’t taking birth control, their voices are rated as most attractive during the middle of their cycle when they’re most fertile.

Furthermore, Gallup’s studies indicate that hourglass figures for women and wedge-shaped bodies for men also subconsciously signal greater reproductive potential.

“So first impressions, like when you first meet somebody, involve a convergence of information in the visual domain and the auditory domain,” Gallup said.

When that convergence grabs our lusty attention, and passionate kissing eventually ensues, Gallups says an even more potent information exchange occurs.

“The first kiss may not make a relationship, but it can clearly break a relationship,” Gallup said. “What happens is a lot of information from a lot of different modalities is brought to bear on the first kiss -- the posture, the odor, the extent to which there’s an open mouth kiss, the extent to which there’s an exchange of saliva.”
Science testifying the truth of Bible

That intimate interaction subconsciously communicates prospective mates’ genetic and interpersonal compatibility, which explains why human culture has attached such deep meaning to an otherwise unremarkable form of physical contact.

Circling back to Fisher’s research, an explosive, heart-pounding first kiss can ignite that blinding neurological love reaction, activating the dopamine reward system and setting off an addictive response to one’s beloved.

But while humans are hard-wired to fall in love intensely, those neurochemical blinders eventually wear off as we settle into relationships.

Fisher’s studies have also shown that, as with drugs, people develop a tolerance for the neurotransmitters that produce the head-over-heels feelings and excitement of early love.

“By and large, we are an animal that pairs up to rear our young,” Fisher said.

How long that euphoric pair bonding lasts, however, is the more unanswerable question, varying from person to person – or lover to lover, as Shakespeare would probably say.

(To be continued...............)

  2. "What is Christian Love by Steven R. Hemler
  4. Analysis by Cristen Conger Wed May 12, 2010 03:34

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