The blessings of the Lord is real blessings!

"The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it" (Prov 10:22). 

It is the blessing of the Lord that makes a man rich and therefore it is no longer the works of our hands, so that we may not boast. It is His free gift of blessings and Grace. Rom 4 1-10.Suffice it to mention here, that many are rich in the world outside God and therefore werefull of added sorrows and of course David nearly envied them that prospered outside God andrich in the world and not in the word and also not towards God, until he went into the sanctuary of God to discover their end Psalm 73:1-20. This message therefore remainincomplete without identifying what it means to be in Sorrow or to be Sorrowful.

Dictionary Meaning of Sorrow/ Biblical injunctions
The Dictionary defines Sorrow as Sadness, regret, an expression of grief, to mourn or grieve.
The Bible however identified Sorrow in different grades and dimensions:
Hell is the Kingdom of Sorrow
1) Hell is full of Death and Sorrow…. 2 Sam 22 5-7
2) Job’s Account…… Here Job thought God do distribute Sorrow when Angry)
3) The new testament in Mark 13:8 says in the last days Nation shall arise against Nation,and Kingdom against Kingdom……… these are the beginnings of sorrows.
4)Love of Money & Sorrow: 1 Tim 6:10 Says For the love of money is the root of all evil,which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves
through with many Sorrows
1) Do not trust in the Abundance of Riches….. Psa 52:7, Psa 62:10
2) Do not Jealous Ungodly Riches……… Psa 73:12-20
True Riches are becoming rich towards God
3)Riches does not profit in the day of Wrath Prov 11:4
4) The Rich answers Roughly……………….. Prov 18:23
5) You may be poor in the Spirit and yet Rich…. .Prov.13:7
6) Heart lifted up because of Riches .. Ezek 28:5
7) Riches can deceive and choke the word of God…… Mk 4:19
8) Riches hardly allow some to enter the Kingdom…… Mk 10:23

Some are not rich towards God.Lazarus was rich towards God but suffered on earth.
9) Some are not rich towards God…………… .Lk12:21
10) Sorrowful because of Riches…………………… …Lk 18;23
11) Riches make themselves wings……………… Prov 23:5
Rich Fool where you will end up your eternity?
The Rich Fool:
Account of Lk 12 :16-21 teaches us about a Rich Man that end up being a fool because of hisnot acknowledging God in what he call riches and begin by telling his soul to relax, enjoybecause of more than plenty. I quote his exact words:This will I do, I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruitsand my goods, and I will say to my soul, soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years,take thine ease, eat ,drink and be merry.
Are you thinking like a rich fool?
He was selfish from above statement and personalising all things to himself only, not to hisfamilies, friends acquaintance, neighbour, less privileged, widows, and those in seriousneeds. He was only thinking of expansion of his businesses, and storage of all his foodproducts, he was not thinking of tithe or rather offerings, everything was pointing directly tohimself and self alone. Are you like this Rich fool ? There is still opportunity for you to repenttoday. God is not interested in anyone to perish but to come to repentance and inherit the
Kingdom of God. But God require of him his Soul at that very moment. Meditate on LK 12:20-21
Why are you earning for only to eat,drink and merry? You will surely endup in Hell.
Lazar believed in Jesus and was at Abraham bosom in Heaven
The Rich Man LazarusAnother good example is the Rich Man and Lazarus in the book of LK 16:19-31. We are all familiar with this story. The Rich man was enjoying all things, just mention them from fresh fish to fresh meat and milk and wine on his table while Lazarus awaits the crumbs (left over) from the table of the rich man. He drives the best of cars and marries the most beautifulladies, and care less about the poor and the needy. He quickly forget the advice of Jamesthat says “ Pure Religion and undefiled of God is to visit the fatherless, the widowsin their affliction… James 1:27 But instead He is too busy building an estate and plots ofland . Lazarus was there lying with sore in his leg and dogs licking the wound. What a verysad experience! And the rich man can not provide for hospital care and allow nurses to care and attend to Lazarus. Are you therefore the Rich man of this generation and you are comingacross this message, it is not accidental? The purpose is for your repentance today and carefor your brothers. We are supposed to be our brother’s keeper.
The Rich Fool trusted in Riches rather than God
One would thought the rich man will be able to purchase death with his money, but he diedand was buried in six feet coffin like other men while he open his eyes on the other end inHell, but Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham. The torment was much for the rich man andcould not bear it until he requested for a drop of water from Abraham and should allow Lazarus to bring it over. The rich man thought he was still in control and can send Lazarus here and there as he used to do, but the tide has changed as Abraham told the rich man of the strong separation between Hell and Heaven. Then he sent a message to you and to his brothers to repent genuinely to avoid coming to the same place. The Prophets are still here today, evangelist keep knocking your door and Pastors are in the Church today, but the pity aspect of this is that the youth strongly believe that the church is meant for those that arenear to their grave and life of excessive strong drink, humanising, smoking of cannabis,heroine etc are for the youth. When the Lord warns in the book of Ecclesiastes 12 :1, that you should remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shall say I have no pleasure in them. A word is sufficientfor a wise son/daughter.
The true riches are from God not from your earnings!
God is looking for faithful Children of the Kingdom that He would commit true riches into theirhands but have found none. Those in the world today are contented with Unrighteous mammon and thought it to be true riches. If you are therefore not faithful to pay your titheand offerings with your unrighteous mammon you call your salaries, business ventures, etc Who is going to commit true riches into your hands.Some had refuse to attend the Church on Sundays because of Unrighteous mammon, anincrease in wages if they can work on these days etc.
God promised Abraham and his seed to convert the riches of the gentiles and the abundance of the sea to them as blessings, this is what is termed true riches. His blessings would be like the stars of heaven,( uncountable blessings) I have always believed that the labour of our hands cannot profit us to make us abundantly blessed, they are there to feed our families, from hand to mouth, but It is the blessings of God through our obedience that can make us rich &abundantly blessed and would not add any sorrow to it.
Seek first  His Kingdom !
Solomon concluded, in Prov 30:8-9 and I quote:
“Remove far from me vanity and lies, give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with foodconvenient for me, lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain”
You must seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness before Prosperity in other for you to be in a safe hand.
Bibliography:About the Author: Rev Isaiah Yomi Ademi is the Founder President of Christ Foundation Ministries.King of Jeshurun is happy to introduce his article as a guest article on this site. Authored by:.Rev Isaiah Yomi Adeyemi CFM UK, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Uganda.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting material here. I do love the pictures. Thanks for your posts. Keep it up!
