beauty is vain
Is charm deceitful ?-Prov 31:30


Charm is the external facet of sin!
Death is the internal facet of sin!

We perceive by thoroughly observing this creation that there are certain natural characteristics of every creature on this divine creation.

The science which deals with this natural phenomenon is called as “Morphology”. The scientists thus ascertain the creatures natural characteristics based upon their morphological characters.

 Morphology (biology)1
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In biology, morphology is a branch of bioscience dealing with the study of the form and structure of organisms and their specific structural features
This includes aspects of the outward appearance (shape, structure, color, and pattern) as well as the form and structure of the internal parts like bones and organs. This is in contrast to physiology, which deals primarily with function. Morphology is a branch of life science dealing with the study of gross structure of an organism or Taxon and its component parts.
The word "morphology" is from the Greek μορφή, morphé = form and λόγος, lógos = word, study, research. The biological concept of morphology was developed by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1790) and independently by the German anatomist and physiologist Karl Friedrich Burdach(1800).
In English-speaking countries, the term "molecular morphology" has been used for some time for describing the structure of compound molecules, such as polymers.  and RNA. The term "gross morphology" refers to the collective structures or an organism as a whole as a general description of the form and structure of an organism, taking into account all of its structures without specifying an individual structure.
Satan the ruler of this word
Fallen serpent the ruler of this world
Since the creation of this universe the ruler of this world is dictating the world in diverse ways and leading the humanity towards devastation. The main noxious weapon which the ruler of this world is implementing SIN and its consequences are solely based on its natural characteristics itself.

In order to study the attitude of sin it is necessary to study in detail regarding the 2 characteristics of SIN.

1. The External Morphological Characters of sin:

The external morphology of sin is as beautiful, charming, enticing, mesmerizing, thrilling, appealing, fascinating, beguiling, captivating, alluring, and deceitful as crystal clearly explained in the Bible.

Eve is deceived by the charming fruit
Charm is deceptive
“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it”- Gen 3:6. 

By the above verse we understand that our foremother Eve saw the fruit that which was forbidden by God in the Garden of Eden. She was mesmerized by the beguiling fruits of the tree.

It is as same in this world every time everywhere since the beginning of the creation.

SIN is beautiful, charming, enticing, mesmerizing, thrilling, appealing, fascinating, beguiling, captivating, alluring, and deceitful. People are falling prey to the external characteristics of evil schemes. We see this taking place in every society, cultures, and religions and among nations. It is happening in the day to day life of relationships, business entity, Religions, Politics and film industry.

(To  be continued...........)

1. Morphology by Wikipedia-free encyclopedia
2.Daily Mail
3. Papam yokka swarupam by C K Kumar (Botany lecturer) –Meeru jaya jeevitham pondhagalaru, Pg 8-9 (Translated and expanded by the author Sreedhar Jeshurun)

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