"...And the house to be built for the LORD should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations.."(1 Chron 22:5).

Calvary Temple
Calvary Temple Hyderabad
Photo Courtesy:
On 11-1-2013 evening I had the Privilege to attend the Inauguration of Calvary temple Hyderabad. The church is said to be one of the largest churches in attendance, membership and construction in the world and the largest Church in India and a fastest growing church in Asia. Bro.Satish Kumar the founding pastor shared his experience  how  he could achieve this great effort drawing inspiration from Nehemiah building the walls of Jerusalem within 52 days “So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.” (Neh 6:15)...

Calvary Temple
Inside view before the stage at calvary temple
Photo Courtesy:
52 days project
Our God is an awesome God........
Photo courtesy by :
Yes every great achievement is done in the work of God is through fasting prayer. Prayer is essential for a model leadership. When our vision is big it is God who accomplishes our vision with our prayers to Him. It is through prayerfulness we can expect great things from God we and attemp great things for God...

It is believed that Nehemiah prayed for four months before taking up the project of rebuilding Jerusalem and it took only 52 days to complete the project. The 52 day project had a four month foundation of prayer…..

Bro.Satish had a four months strong fasting prayers and started the work on 11-11-2012 which is on his birthday and completed the task on 1-1-2013 making it for 52 days.In-between he faced a lot of troubles and hurdles but God was faithful. The entire congregation participated in prayers, work and financial support for the project to be completed...

Inside view before the stage at calvary temple
Photo Courtesy:
The Calvary temple had it's humble beginning with 25 believers gathered to worship the Lord in a rented room in the year 2005 at KPHB colony, Hyderabad.Since then it has seen the tremendous church growth. As of now it activities includes gospel meetings and tele-evangelism.The present church has been built on 1 Lac sft built up area on a 13 acre of land with a centralised A/c, of an earthquake and fire proof resistant built-up technology with 17,500 seating capacity conducting 4 services on Sunday and drawing nearly 68,000 of attendance of worship on every Sunday. Bro.Satish also expressed that he has a strong desire to extend this project to 50,000 seating capacity in near future thus making it as the only largest church in the world in construction, seating capacity, attendance and membership

Will God come and Speak to a small Hindu Boy, one out of a billion?

That’s what he did to me.

Can a small boy become a spokesman for God??

That’s what he asked me to be!

Brother Satish Kumar was born on 11-11-1971 into a Hindu Family to the parents Venkateshwar Rao and Anasuyamma. He  believed the Lord at his tender age of 12.

Calvary Temple
Bro.Satish in Bapatla gospel meeting-Photo courtesy by:
It all began in 1983 "The Lord looked down from heaven and said, 'Where can I find the weakest, littlest, lowliest and most useless and unwanted man on earth?'

Then He saw Bro.Satish and said, 'I've found him. I will work through him, I will put my word and my passion with in Him to reach millions, and then he won't be proud of it. He'll see that I am only using him because he is useless without me....., then the vision was born to reach millions.

In 1994 when God found that young boy willing to forsake everything and follow Christ alone and knows not how to survive without God……. then CALVARY MISSION is born with the vision to empty the Hell.

Mistakes that lead us to

  • A doctor's mistake is buried.
  • An accountant's mistake is jailed.
  • A dentist's mistake is pulled.
  • A pharmacist's mistake is dead.
  • An electrician's mistake is shocking.
  • A carpenter's mistake is sawdust.
  • A teacher's mistake is failed.
  • A Preacher’s mistake is HELL.
Knowing this the mistake of a preacher can lead someone to Hell …..

My Prayer

Lord! I may go where you send me,
I may do exactly what you ask me,
I may finish the race that you have given me,
Help me to do nothing less nothing more nothing else.

Our Success

    Bro.Satish with T.L.Osborn-Photo courtesy by:
  • To be able to spend money only to preach Christ.
  • To be able to mind our business to reach the lost at any cost,
  • To be able to press forward like an elephant when Dogs barks,
  • To be able to keep on the job until it is finished;
  • To be able to do one's duty even when one is not watched;
  • To be able to accept criticism without being moved,
  • To be able glorify God and God alone.

Our Motto

Be first or be different or be best.

Kingdom Blessings:
KING of Jeshurun

Selected Bibliography:
1. About Calvary Mission:

1 comment:

  1. This is really awesome how God has proved and did this miracle. Praise God. This is the largest church I beleive. But I'm told that chennai has large churches too. Can you p,ease tell us which is the biggest. Many blessings.
