Twilight! Eros Edward Bella!

Eating the forbidden fruit,
love can be detrimental
Love is Blind Revisited-Part 2

Is Love Blind ? Yes,then which love it is ?

It is exactly the  (Eros) Love which makes  both the parties attractive at the beginning but makes them blind and detrimental!

Then which love is Healthy? It is exactly Divine Love (Agape) which makes both the parties happy forever!

Jesus said: Love your wives and not your lovers! Loving the wife after marriage agreement is based on the Agape Love.

Any love or relationship before marriage can be erotic and detrimental in the christian life.No matter how the world is moving by taking the word love.We are admonished to maintain the Agape.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Messiah also loved the assembly, and gave himself for it; 

Ecclesiastes 9:9 Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.

Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Some of the Christians reviews and excerpts on Twilight:

Twilight is a series of four vampire-based romance novels by a Mormon author Stephenie Meyer.

Book Titles:
New Moon
Breaking Dawn

The story is about Bella Swan, a teenage girl who falls in love with a 104-year-old vampire. A group of ware-wolfs is after the couple. 

Plot Synopsis: Bella Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy and overcast Forks, Washington to live with her dad, fully expecting that it will be miserable for her. As she tries to assimilate into everyday high school life in the small town, she finds herself drawn to Edward Cullen, her mysterious and standoffish Biology lab partner. Yet the attraction between Edward and Bella grows, and soon Bella finds herself immersed in a dangerous adventure that includes Edward's entire family - made up completely of vampires. Throughout the four novels, the love story between Bella and Edward remains central, yet finds itself complicated by the nature of vampires, werewolves, and her loved ones.

6As of March 2010, the series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide. The first two “Twilight” films earned more than $1.1 billion in global ticket sales, Eclipse the 3rd in the series generated record sales of more than $30 million. 
Do you believe there is actually blog trying to connect “Twilight and the Bible.” It compares the Twilight gang with Christian fellowship: 

That’s why being part of a community of Christians is so important. Everybody is used differently by God, but each of us is created with the same Oneness in us. In the Twilightseries, we see this happen in the wolf pack [werewolf pack] 

Huh? Obviously wrong to most, but to a teenage girl it may make sense. 

When vampires, were-wolfs, mediums, witches, occult, and blood sucking people are idols among the teens in church youth groups–someone needs to say something! Even if this series wasn’t demonic– the romance view is sick– It teaches teen girls that if a boy loves he will stalks you, abuse you and control you–over 100 million sold. 

Mark Discroll explains we must be discerning. Twilight is more than just a movie! A movie is a sermon with pictures. Satan is involved in story telling. Here Mark shows the dangerous trend in the best-selling youth books: 
The “promise” presented in The Twilight Saga is the same found in the garden of Eden, whispered by satan… 

“You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Gen. 3:4-5) 

7The Objections to Twilight

The basic Christian objection to Stephanie Meyer's series is that its main characters are vampires. In traditional vampire lore, the person bitten by a vampire's soul is replaced by an evil demon. This theory means that Edward and his kind would be inherently evil creatures. This theory is demonstrated in many of the other vampires Bella and the Cullens face throughout the series. They seem more animal-like, giving into their instincts, than the Cullens and some of those that chose another lifestyle. Another objection may come from the fact that Alice, one of Edward's sisters can see the future. She holds the key to many of the important plot twists, but some see her ability as an occult practice. Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 talks about how being a medium is an "abomination to the Lord.

" As the story moves on, Bella also meets some of the people in Forks who are part of a nearby Native American reservation. Some Christians have objected to the discussion surrounding some of those Native American beliefs, as they feel it would lead teens in the wrong direction. Still, others may object to Bella's strong desire to spend eternity with Edward. Christians have a strong desire to spend eternity with God, in His presence. Her desire strays from that teaching, and many Christians do not feel it is addressed well from a faith standpoint. Some don't want Christian teens to read Twilight due to some moral ambiguities. The fact that Edward spends the night in Bella's room, she lies to her parents, and Bella's struggle with her own human desires can be off-putting to some parents. At several points, Bella becomes rather cavalier about giving up her soul, which is off-putting to many Christians. Losing one's soul is nothing to be casual about, and though Bella is confronted by the others about it, it can be disconcerting to those that question the value of the books.

Is love really blind ?
Shakespeare love quote 25: As You Like It – Act 4, Scene 3
Love hath made thee a tame snake

Shakespeare love quote 27: The Two Gentlemen of Verona – Act 1, Scene 3
Oh, how this spring of love resembleth, The uncertain glory of an April day, Which now shows all beauty of the Sun, And by and by a cloud takes all away

Shakespeare love quote 33: Hamlet – Act 3, Scene 4
You cannot call it love, for at your age the heyday in the blood is tame

Shakespeare love quote 35: As You Like It – Act 4, Scene 1
Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love

Shakespeare love quote 36: Cymbeline – Act 3, Scene 4
Men’s vows are women’s traitors

Can a sanil turn on scotchtape ?
by Frances Cohen Praver, Ph.D.

Published on August 14, 2011 by Frances Cohen Praver, Ph.D. in Love Doc

 "You're so irresponsible. I feel like I'm with a child." Kate frowned.

With an impish smile, Brent remarked, "A child who makes a lot of money?"

O love where is the song ? You and I
in this beautiful world, green grass
blue sky in this beautiful world! 
In a stern voice Kate snapped, "Money's not everything. You're off and running all the time and I'm alone with the kids. I can't depend on you for support."

"I ask you to come with me, but no; you're too busy. You used to be such fun, what happened?" Brent pleaded.

"Raising kids, doing homework with them, shopping, cooking, going to the office is not always fun." Kate said in her matter of fact tone.

"That's the problem. You're just too serious." Brent said.

Turing to Brent I asked, "Brent, did you notice that Kate was a serious women when you fell in love?"
It's true only a vampire can love faster
because love in blind in reality!

"I really didn't. She was so beautiful and brainy." Brent said.

Comment: Like Bella (Chrisitine stewart in the “twilight saga”).

I then addressed Kate, "Kate, did you notice that Brent was a fun-loving guy?"

Comment: Like Edward (Robert Pattinson in the “Twilight saga series”).

 Pondering the question, she responded, "Yeah, but I didn't really see that he was unreliable. Come to think of it, he broke some dates, and he wasn't always there for me."

vampires family
Love sold her to the vampire's family
Comment: She didn’t believe it really that he was an Vampire because she was under the control of dopamine.( A 2005 study by Rutgers University biological anthropologist Helen Fisher and colleagues examined the fMRI brain scans of 17 men and women who reported being truly, madly in love. Each of the images showed the same activity in the brain’s reward system as that which occurs in the brain of a cocaine addict.What’s more, the love-struck participants could readily tick off traits or characteristics they didn’t particularly like about their beloveds, but under the influence of pleasure-enhancing dopamine and other monoamines, they quickly overlook those faults.“Once you fall in love with somebody, once they trigger the brain system for falling in love, love is blind, no question about that,” said Fisher, who recently wrote Why Him? Why Her?, which explores the neurological underpinning of romance.And once people fall in love, they’re essentially at the mercy of the brain’s reward system until the neurotransmitters oxytocin and vasopressin, which are associated with long-term bonding, produce their calming, stabilizing effect).

"It seems that when you fell in love neither of you saw what the other was really like. And that's because love is blind. Not only is this a common saying but there is scientific evidence that supports it." 
christine stewart
Every girl dreams of to
be taken on clouds but
don't understand where
they are going to fall

I then explained just what science tells us about the adage "love is blind." Remember when you first fell in love? When, like Kate and Brent, you were walking on clouds? When you put your lover high up on a pedestal? Of course you do.

To heighten those incredible emotions, nature got into the act. And that's because love, bonding, attraction is essential for procreation. And so for survival of the species nature ensures that love is blind and other love-inducing mechanisms.

Specifically, when we fall in love, our mirror neurons not only connect us to our partners, but they trigger some amazing brain chemicals─ dopamine, testosterone, vasopressin, oxytocin, serotonin, GABA ─ that enhance attraction, love, lust, and loyalty.

forbidden fruit
Love-lust is the cause and ultimately
deception is the result for eating
the forbidden fruit 
But there is another intriguing feature of our remarkable brains. When we fall in love, our brains go to work and parts of it go dormant ─ the parts responsible for wariness, suspicion, discrimination. These are the very characteristics that our prehistoric ancestors needed to anticipate a predator.

In other words, the brain activates the good mood chemicals and deactivates the areas devoted to judgment. That's when we are madly in love. Over time if the relationship is fraught with hurts, disappointments, neglect, anger, indifference, blame, abuse, or infidelity, the magic-making brain chemicals are on hold. And we feel sad, anxious, debilitated, despairing. These negative feelings become entrenched in the brain.

In Edward's word it doesn't
make any differenece
between the knowledge of
 good and evil
That's not all. The amazing blinders fall off and we are no longer blind. The erosion of the relationship hits home and it feels like the end of love.

But it is not the end.

It is really the beginning: the beginning of work on the real relationship, creating change in yourself and the relationship dynamics. When you bring these new positive interactions into the relationship, you will rewire the brains as well…………………

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