Revealed Knowledge
Holy Bible is Revealed Knowledge
Every sophisticated or technical device or product comes with an instruction manual. Without this, the owner would find the object useless. He would not know how to properly operate it. Nor could he repair or maintain it.
God gave an Instruction Manual—the Holy Bible—that contains vital—essential—revealed knowledge, otherwise unattainable. Unlike the modern system of education, it teaches how to live,
not just how to earn a living. It explains history, prophecy, important knowledge of doctrine and thousands of other points and principles that govern every aspect of life.

Deut 29:29
Deut 29:29
Bible was never intended to contain all knowledge, just that which is necessary for salvation—knowledge that man could not discover through human reason, experimentation, analysis and observation. The Bible was not intended to teach mankind how to design marvels of engineering, telescopes that can probe the outer reaches of the universe or computers that can perform trillions of calculations per second.

Men were given the capacity to reason out and design these and many other highly complex, technical inventions. Education in physical knowledge is important.

Here is why. Most of earth’s population lives in abject poverty, disease, filth, squalor and illiteracy. They lack the most fundamental education that the developed “have” nations enjoy. Basic education can lead to physical improvements and advancements for civilization.
Spirit of truth
Spirit of truth leading us into all the truth-John 16:13

But surely, 6,000 years of misery, unhappiness and every conceivable evil, ill and woe that humanity has suffered ought to tell the world that it should carefully heed the Instruction Book of revealed spiritual knowledge that it has ignored. Yet, man continues to reject God’s spiritual revelation.

However, cut off from the right channel and path of spiritually understood cause and effect and from God’s revealed Law, man still possesses the power of physical, human reasoning, which, sadly, has led to weapons of mass destruction and terror, cruelty, slavery, repression, pollution, crime, religious confusion—including a host of invented gods—and so much more.

Hence, man’s misery and woes compound and mount at every turn—and all the religions of this world, with their vast array of false gods, have not been able to solve even mankind’s most basic problems.

But remember, God’s process of spiritual creation is still in progress. It is not complete! 

Only the few have been shown the purpose for human life—why human existence.

 — Bro.Samuel Susanth Bethapudi with Heidi Carico.

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