STATUATORY WARNING: Forcible Religous Conversion is Anti-Constitutional and Anti-Biblical!

Jesus Warning against Religious Conversion!:

Matthew 23:15
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are".

Some famous quotes on Religion:
  • “The more I Study religions the more Iam convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself “-Sir Richard Francis Burton.
  • “Cruel persecution and intolerance are not accidents,but grow out of the very essence of religion” -Morris Raphael Cohen.
  • “Doubt is part of all religion.All the religious thinkers were doubters” -Isaac Bashevis.
  • “Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinct” –Sigmund Freud.
  • “Religion is confining and imprisoning and toxic because it is based on ideology and dogma”-Deepak K.Chopra.
  • "Religion is the opium of the masses"-Karl Marx.
  • "Religion is very bad for people"- Colonel R B Thieme Jr.
  • “There is no religion higher than truth”- Helena Petrovna Hahn Blavatsky.

  • Jeusus didn't come to establish the religion but to reveal the truth!
................... Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(John 8:31-32).

Jesus never preached about religious conversion but preached about Repentance (change of mind)!
From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent(change of mind), for the kingdom of heaven is near.”(Matt 4:17).

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"(John 14:6). Some Historical truths regarding Jesus Christ is:

* In Chemistry he changed the water into wine!

* In Biology, he was born without the normal conception !

*In Sociology he was followed by majority in the world & Universe!

*In Literature his words are written in millions & trillions which no book of the world has been written!

*In Archaeology his tomb is empty because he is risen from the dead!

* In Physics, he disapproved the law of gravity when he ascended into heaven!

* In Economics, he disapproved the law of diminishing return by feeding 5000 men with - two fishes & 5 loaves of bread!

* In Medicine, he cured the sick and the blind without administering a single dose of drugs!

* In History, he is the beginning and the end!

* In Government(Politics), he said that he shall be called wonderful counselor, prince of peace!

*In Astronomy, he said no one comes to the father except through-me!

Bible never forces anyone to change the religion but provides the love of God and his message.Being Homosapien you have the Freedom of Positive or Negative Volition to hear His message.God never forces anyone to believe in him but his Divine love for you is everlasting and provides the opportunity to know his truth revealed to you.The Divine love which made Christ to leave his eternal glory and to become man to ransom for your sin is still prompting the christianity to preach the gospel must be heard every where in the world.My dear friend christianity is not a religion.Religion in the world is based on human merit,righteousness to achieve the glory of God apart from the grace of God.Religion tries man to reach God by his own effort but Christianity is God reaching mankind with his Divine love to reveal the truth that you are saved by grace and faith in Christ Jesus.This is totally non-mertorius and completely depending upon christ(Birth,Life,Death & Resurrection) for our salvation and forgiveness of sins.This is the gospel,this is the evangelism,this is what the christianity!!!

Satyameva Jayathe (Truth always triumphs)!

May you know the Truth and Repent (change the mind)!

God Bless You!
Sreedhar Jeshurun


  1. Great Post Sreedhar Jeshurun!

    God wants a personal relationship with everyone of us through Jesus Christ, because He loves us and hopes we will return that love. Praise God for His son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, whom I put all of my trust in. Through prayer and reading God's Word I am excited to strengthen my relationship with God. By turning to God first with both my joys and sorrows He has given me great peace.

    Isaiah 12:2
    Surely God is my salvation;
    I will trust and not be afraid.
    The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."

  2. Thanks Allysha:

    We need to trust the Lord, He is our hope and salvation.he is our strength and hope!

    How it is good & be blessed to have relationship with him everyday.

    "But those who hope in the LORD
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint"(Isa 40:31).
