"He commanded us to preach to the people and to TESTIFY that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.All the prophets TESTIFY about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”( Acts 10:42-43).


I had born on the 4th of July 1979 into an devoted Hindu family. My family belonged to the Padmashali sect, which represented the cloth manufacturers. At the tender age of 13, I became a member of a well known fanatic community of India and strongly hated Christians & muslims,had a desire all of them to quit India and started questioning the beliefs of Christianity & Islam.I played an active role in chanting slogans of the fanaticism and strongly believed that India was for the Hindus. During this period my father was a banker dealing with chit funds business went bankrupt. As a result of this he had to sell all his personal belongings, estate and settle the debt. Later we shifted from Thukaramgate of Secunderabad to IN Nagar of Malkajgiri. I continued living in sinful life inspite of listening to the teachings of Christ by an evangelist who lived close by. I kept rejecting the gospel of Christ, thinking that the evangelist was trying to convert people by force. I was also mentally disturbed that the evangelist was proclaiming that Jesus Christ was "the only God and Savior of Mankind". I felt an aversion and bitterness in my heart and could not digest the the views of the evangelist. I started arguing, plotting to intimidate and resist the preaching of the evangelist but to no avail.

Days passed by and I slowly leaned toward Jesus Christ and His gospel because of the love, patience and encouragement by the same evangelist who continuously made friendship with me even I was hesitating him. Then in December 1993.Mr.Solomon Parker S/o Late Ch.Parker (Evangelist) gave me book called "The Heart of Man " written by JR Gschwend.During the afternoon when my family members were asleep I concentrated and meditated on the teachings written in the book and was convicted by the Holy Spirit. Slowly all my sins came to light and I realized that I was a sinner. I felt the reality (algophobia) of hell and knew that I was eternally damned unless I received Christ's forgiveness for my sins. After sometime my eyes fell upon a verse in the book that I was reading which said, "the blood of Jesus cleanses us from every sin"(John 1:7).This verse heralded a ray of new hope and showed me how desperately I needed the repentance. I felt repentance and confessed all my sins before the Lord Jesus Christ. I believed that God in His love and grace forgave me of all my transgressions. I now knew that Jesus had accepted me and Iam his child forever(John 3:15). Since My regenaration. I have faced many hardships and persecutions because of our new found faith in Yahshua The Messaiah (Lord Jesus Christ). However, God miraculously safeguarded me from all the trials and temptations to be his Successful witness on this earth.God by his grace using me as an evangelist and helped me to serve him through Good News. I give all glory to Jesus my master and Savior who has helped me in my life ever since I was regenerated.Praise be to Him for choosing me to be His child and witness forever.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"(Psalm 23:6).

-Sreedhar Jeshurun


  1. I liked your testimony!
    Thanks for sharing!
    God is so awesome!
    God bless you today:)

  2. Hi Becky Thanks For your comment!
    Iam Happy that
    You are the 1st person to comment on my Testimony and blog!

    Thanks for asking God to bless me today!I trust God is right now blessing me toady!

    ""Blessed be the God and Fathr of our Lord Jesus chrst,who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing n the heavenly places in christ"(Eph 1:3).AMEN!

