Something powerful happens when we vocally express to God our faith in Him through a shout of praise. Scripture is filled with stories of when God's people lifted up a shout of praise. Supernatural things took place: prison doors were opened, enemies became confused, huge walls came tumbling down, and supernatural favor was released. Proverbs 29:6 says, "Evil people are trapped by their own wrongdoing, but the righteous escape by shouting for joy." When you find yourself in a situation where you feel trapped, or it looks like there is no way out in your health, your finances, a relationship, or a legal circumstance, don't get down and discouraged. Don't start complaining. You have a secret weapon: Shout for joy! When we lift up a shout of praise, when we vocalize our thanksgiving, when we bless the Lord with whole hearts, our shouts cause God to release His power in a supersized way. It's like God shifts everything into a higher gear of releasing His favor. New doors are opened, favor is released, and breakthrough is experienced. God goes to work arranging your escape, moving the wrong people out of the way, opening the right doors and fighting your battles for you. These shouts of joy not only allow God to bring the victory but it's announcing to the enemy we're coming to a higher level. When we have the high praises of God coming out of our mouth, in the unseen realm things begin to change in your favor. There is a declarative power in a shout.

Agape Love Divine Ministries

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