We have many opportunities each day to worry and live in fear. From being worried about the economy, our health to our family and children, the list could go on! But did you know faith and fear having something in common? They both ask us to believe something is going to happen that we cannot see. Jesus said in Matthew 9:29, "Have with your faith expects". It's important to use your energy to believe because what we meditate on the most is what's going to take root. If you go around all day thinking about your fear, it can become a reality. But when you focus on faith and God's provision, your mind stays full of peace and you give God room to show Himself strong in your life. Faith moves the hand of God, not fear. God promises to meet all of our needs according to His glorious riches. Sometimes you may not see how it can happen, but don't use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe. It takes the same amount of energy to have faith as it does to worry. Our God is all-powerful. He has brought you through in the past and He is going to bring you through in the future. So switch your gears to having faith and trusting God. God works everything out for good and to your advantage!

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