Jesus Became Poor In Order To Make Us Rich - Zac Poonen
"Though the Lord Jesus Christ was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich" (2 Cor.8:9). Christ became poor for us, that we might become rich IN HIM. The poverty and wealth spoken of in this verse could be taken spiritually. But the context in which the verse appears indicates that the Holy Spirit is speaking of material poverty and material riches as well. 

What does it mean "to be rich"? It does not mean having plenty of money and property, but rather having enough to meet our needs and some extra to help and bless others with. Being rich is described in Revelation 3:17 as "having need of nothing". That is how God is rich. God does not have silver or gold or a bank account or even a wallet. But He has need of nothing.

Jesus was not poor when He was on earth, for He had "need of nothing". He could even provide a meal once for about 10,000 people - 5000 men, and a number of women and children (Matt.14:21). Only a rich man could do that! He had enough money to pay His taxes (Matt.17:27). He never had to borrow money from anyone at any time. And He even had enough money to give to the poor (John 13:29). 

Jesus once said, "The poor you have with you always, but you do not always have Me" (Matt.26:11). There He contrasted Himself with the poor. On another occasion, when Jesus told a rich young ruler to give all his money to the poor, Jesus was certainly not including Himself also among the poor to whom the money was to be given!! No. It is clear that Jesus was rich when He was on earth in this sense: He lacked nothing. The early apostles too were not poor. When they told the believers "to remember the poor" (Gal.2:10), they were not asking the believers to remember them!! No. Those apostles may not have had silver and gold (Acts 3:6). But they had all that they needed. In this way they were rich like their Master before them. That is how God wants us to be rich too.

But we see that Jesus did become poor when he hung on the cross. A poor man is described in the New Testament as one who has "threadbare clothing" (Jas.2:2). The poorest beggar we have seen usually has at least a torn rag around his body. But Jesus did not have even that when He was crucified. He was stripped naked and crucified. He really became poor for our sakes, when He was crucified. Jesus became poor on the cross, so that we might become rich - or in other words, that we might have "need of nothing" in our lives. God has not promised to give us all that we want, but all that we need (Phil.4:19). Wise parents do not give their children all that they want or ask for, but only all that they need. So with God too. 

The old covenant promised earthly wealth to those who obeyed the Law. But under the new covenant, God promises that if we seek His kingdom first and His righteousness, He will give us something even better: Everything that we need for life on this earth (Matt.6:33; see also 2 Pet.1:4). The Bible clearly teaches that riches are both deceitful and uncertain (Matt.13:22; 1 Tim.6:17). So it is dangerous to desire riches or to long to have more and more money (1 Tim.6:10). But God's promise is something far more glorious: He will always give us "all that we need, according to his riches in glory IN Christ Jesus" (Phil.4:19). 

Do you find you cannot make ends meet with the salary that you earn? Since God draws everyone's financial boundaries, it is impossible for Him not to give His children enough for their earthly needs. Your lack must then be because the blessing of God is not on your life. Maybe you are lazy, or wasting money, or living in a selfish way, violating God's laws. If you are rich towards God, God will be rich towards you as well.
Let me tell you the good news of the gospel: It is not God's will that His children should live with constant financial lack in their earthly lives. However high the cost of living may be, those who seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first in their lives will always find that their earthly needs are met. If that does not happen, we would have to say that Jesus was a liar - for that is what He clearly promised (Matt. 6:33). 

Jesus became poor - so that we might be rich. So we need never live with a lack in our lives. We need have no fear about the future - either for ourselves or for our children. Jesus has purchased the provision of every earthly need for us and our family-members - on the cross. 

Unfortunately, money-loving preachers (especially in the last thirty years or so) have exaggerated and misunderstood this truth and turned it into an excuse to preach a "prosperity-gospel" - teaching that Jesus came to make us wealthy millionaires. That is a falsehood and a misrepresentation of the truth. God has not promised us wealth in the new covenant, but something far better - all that we need. 

So be free from all your fears, dear brother and sister. Jesus has already become poor for you on the cross. There is no need for you to live with constant financial lack in your lives any more. You can always have all that you need. Claim your birthright in the gospel.

My conclusion to Jac Poonen message:
  1. If it is His will he will make us millionaires for the sake of His Kingdom. 
  2. Even though money is a basic necessity in our day to day lives, apart form money God has multiple miraculous ways to meet our and our ministry needs.There are many instances in my life that God had rescued me from the many situations where money was mandatory for the solution but miraculously in multiple ways he solved the troubles.
  3. Most of  the apostles and prophets lived without wealth but "Expected great things from God and attempted great things for God".


  1. Thank you for pointing out the difference between having enough and being wealthy in the world's eyes. We'll have enough to do what the Lord wants us to do...and we need no more than that.

  2. Yes! Mr.Swindle thanks for commenting on the King of Jeshurun! To be rich towards God is the real wealth and we'll have enough to do the Lord's Will...
