errorist Attacks in Mumbai since 1993
July 13, 2011 Serial blasts in Mumbai
November 26, 2008 Multiple terrorist attacks across the city
July 11, 2006
7 blasts at 7 locations in local trains across the city
August 25, 2003
Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar
July 29, 2003
April 14, 2003
March 13, 2003
Mulund Railway Station
January 27, 2003
Vile Parle
December 6, 2002
Mumbai Central railway station
December 2, 2002
February 27, 1998
January 24, 1998
August 28, 1997
Near Jama Masjid
March 12, 1993
13 blasts across the city
Leaders around the world have united in their condemnation of the bombings in Mumbai which have killed at least 21 people and injured more than 130.

Here are some of their statements:

“I strongly condemn the outrageous attacks in Mumbai, and my thoughts and prayers are with the wounded and those who have lost loved ones. The US government continues to monitor the situation, including the safety and security of our citizens. India is a close friend and partner of the United States. The American people will stand with the Indian people in times of trial, and we will offer support to India's efforts to bring the perpetrators of these terrible crimes to justice. During my trip to Mumbai, I saw first-hand the strength and resilience of the Indian people, and I have no doubt that the India will overcome these deplorable terrorist attacks.”
 --US President Barack Obama

 “I condemn the deadly terrorist attacks overnight in Mumbai,” Gillard said. Foreign minister [Kevin] Rudd said Australia was confident Indian authorities would track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice.”
-- Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard

“On behalf of all Canadians, [my wife] Laureen and I offer our deep and profound sympathy and condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed and injured by these heinous acts of violence, including Canadians who may have loved ones in Mumbai.”
--Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

"The Secretary-General [Ban] condemns the attacks that have killed and injured many in Mumbai. No cause or grievance can justify indiscriminate violence against civilians. The Secretary-General expresses his solidarity with the Government and people of India, and extends his sincere condolences to the families of the victims.”
-- Office of UN chief Ban Ki-moon

“I send my deepest condolences to all those who have lost relatives or been injured in the bomb blasts in Mumbai. These were deplorable acts of terrorism. The UK stands firmly with India in the face of such atrocities. We are committed to working with the Indian government and our allies and partners to combat the threat from terrorism in all its forms.”
-- UK foreign secretary, William Hague

“President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the government and the people of Pakistan, have condemned the blasts in Mumbai and expressed distress on the loss of lives and injuries.”
--Pakistan Foreign Ministry

"We condemn the despicable act of violence designed to provoke fear and division. I will be travelling to India next week as planned. I believe it is more important than ever that we stand with India, deepen our partnership and reiterate our commitment to the shared struggle against terrorism".
--US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton

"With the US-India strategic dialogue planned for next week in Delhi, these senseless attacks underscore that counter terrorism cooperation between the two nations must be a top priority."
--U.S. Congressmen Ed Royce, and Joe Crowley, Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans

"The UAE condemns this terrible, appalling crime and affirms its full solidarity and standing with the Government of India in confronting these criminal acts.”
--UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan


What truth the Terrorists have to learn always ?

Once upon a time there lived a vicious king, Raja Shankara. Short-tempered and detrimental. “God I am”, he said to his image as he starred into the mirror everyday, many times a day. He was obsessed with himself. He loved no one but himself. He was blinded towards the injustice in his kingdom because he had little time for his subjects, most of which he poured over himself with milk and honey.

Interruption in his possessed life was dealt with stern reprimanding and sometimes on petty issues he would behead his servants. Provoked by his evil advisor Twishar Dhare, he went on with his self-indulged life, unaware of the plot his very devoted advisor was planning. A plot to dethrone the king, rule the kingdom with his evergreen wicked ways only to harness wealth and the reputation of a King.

One morning the king was on his usual morning horseback rounds but returned to the palace with an intense look on his face. He locked himself inside his palatial room only to unlock it at sundown. Just as the doors cracked open and Raja Shankara emerged from it, his wife rushed to embrace him. She feared a damaging incident had occurred.

The king spoke seldom that day and awoke the next day to make a proclamation to his servants and subjects. The whole kingdom feared what was in store for them from their angry king. But to their surprise he said to all gathered, “From now on I will be a different king. A softer king. A patient king.”

True to his words from that day on the king had truly turned on a new leaf; he cleaned out the corruption and injustice in a tender manner with punishments aimed to renew the person from within.

One fine day his evil advisor gathered courage to ask the reason for his paradigm shift. And the king answered. When I went on horseback that morning a month ago, I noticed a dog brutally chasing a cat. The cat managed to sneak into a hole only after the dog bit her leg, maiming her for life. Not far the dog barked at a farmer who picked up a sharp stone and hit it straight in the dog’s eye. Bleeding profusely, the dog yelped in pain. As the farmer walked on, he slipped on the edge of the road and broke his head.

All this happened in a matter of minutes before me and then I realized that evil begets evil. I thought about it deeply and was ready to give up my worldly life for the betterment of my subjects. I wanted to give up evil in me as I did not want evil to encounter me.

Sniggering away the immoral advisor thought what a perfect time it was to dethrone the king, because the Raja had grown kind hearted and patient and would not endeavour a combat. Thinking how he would plan his attack, he stumbled over a step that took him hurling down the remaining steps, bringing his stop with a crash. He howled in pain only to discover he had broken his limbs in both legs.

Moral : Evil begets evil. Whatever you sow, so shall you reap.

"Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end" (Prov 22:8).

Job 4:8 “As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it”.

Hosea 10:13 “But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception. Because you have depended on your own strength and on your many warriors”.

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life”.(Gal 6:7-8)


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