The wailing turned Dancing!

Psalm 30-Praying God for help!

KING of Jeshurun Devotions on Psalms 30:1-12

    I will exalt you, LORD,
   for you lifted me out of the depths
   and did not let my enemies gloat over me. 

In the first verse David is exalting the Lord because he was lifted from the deep problems faced by him. If you wonder who will be there from lifting you up from the depths of any kind of problems you are facing today. There is one God-Man called Jesus ready to lift you up. David had enemies and most of them were not made by him but they were themselves become enemies of David.The adversary is always behind every situation of the called out. He wants to steal your spiritual talents,
Spirituality, your wealth and steal your properties in order to ruin you completely.
If you exalt the Lord in every aspect of your life the enemy will never! Never gloat over you. If you don't keep quiet  and  start exalting God through praise, worship and witnessing the enemy will never gloat over you.

2 LORD my God, I called to you for help,
   and you healed me.
In the 2nd verse David is seeking help from God. When you encounter problem most of us will wander here and there and forget the great help that is God. Do you ever ask God or call God for help ? Do it today because as a King David had lot of available help from other sources but instead he knows the correct help which will be the solution is from God. So when you counter with a problematic situation Call God for help. If you trust him you will be really helped and healed.
The Hebrew word used for Pull-up! God will pull you up!

3 You, LORD, brought me up from the realm of the dead;
   you spared me from going down to the pit. 

Here David says God has brought him up from the experience of death. Here it means the deathly experience of many things.Millions around the world at this time are going through the dark experience of health, wealth, unemployment, financial, marriage, offspring and many more. These all seems like deadly problems in the life. This will look like leading you into the pit. And when you face these experiences your near and dear rather than stretching their helping hand put the stone of rejection and humiliation on your head. But if you look and trust God the Living God not the dead God you will be spared from going down to the pit.

 4 Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people;
   praise his holy name. 

Many are called but few are chosen! Only faithful to the call of God are singing praises and worshiping His Holy name. Revering His holy name. What praises are coming from your mouth praises of God? Praises of cosmic songs?Worshiping God are worshiping devil or worldly things?
Expect the tide to turn-Harriet Beecher Stowe

5 For his anger lasts only a moment,
   but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
   but rejoicing comes in the morning. 

When you are walking in an improper way He will become angry over you and that is for temporary not for a long time. But if you repent and turn to Him His favor will be for a long time.The grace gifts of God from salvation to all the earthly blessings such as job, marriage, offspring and wealth etc. are all grace gifts from God. You neither earn it nor deserve them by your merit. His favor will last for a lifetime.
Weeping symbolizes your problematic circumstances. The weeping will be temporary may be one night. You don’t know the period God allows it in your life but after it Rejoicing will come in the morning. Rather focusing on the weeping of bad idea start rejoicing now because the morning is very near approaching you. Believe in your heart it is very near approaching you.

 6 When I felt secure, I said,
   “I will never be shaken.” 

You think your finances and wealth your horses and chariots are the safety and security in your life. Dear reader doesn’t ever think in that way. David being a King had all these securities but he knew The Lord is the real security in His life and in our lives. You think you will never be shaken but God is shaking the economies worldwide, God is shaking the governments, God is shaking the Dictators. If it is His will He will shake you from your place so that Christ should become the desire of your heart! Christ should become the desire of the Nations. Remember your bank balances and securities have nothing to do with the economy of God. If you place your trust in God’s Economy You will never be shaken .If you place your trust on money, securities and Bank balances you will be shaken! Shaken! Shaken!

7 LORD, when you favored me,
   you made my royal mountain stand firm;
but when you hid your face,
   I was dismayed. 

Don’t hide from the presence of God.If you try hide like a mole in the hole, God will hide from you as result you will really discouraged in all your attempts of your life.
If you want the favor from God be transparent in His presence. Favor God in all the aspects of your life morning to evening and see His goodness in your life.
You will be made a Royal Mountain; you will be laid a Royal crown on your head and stand firm in all the attempts of your goals and wishes you planned in your life.

 8 To you, LORD, I called;
   to the Lord I cried for mercy:

There is God’s telephone Number it is 24x7 available to you! Call on His Name Jer 33:3.Cry out for God’s mercy. If you seek people mercy you will be a loser of God’s favor in your life. If you seek God’s mercy you will gain even the people mercy as well. First God and then people mercy.Go according to sequence. Do not change the sequence or you will be in dilemma.
 This might be our situations! Jesus raising the Jarius daughter!

9 “What is gained if I am silenced,
   if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
   Will it proclaim your faithfulness?

If you keep quiet there is no gain from you to God. If you are left over with your problems and go down in the pit there is no use to God. Because the dust will not praise Him and proclaim His faithfulness. 
Your silence will not make any effort for God's Kingdom.He has chosen you so that you will praise His name in all the days of your life. Not leading a nominal Christian life or silenced lukewarm life. It is you! God has chosen so that you praise Him and Proclaim His gospel and His love and faithfulness. Starting praising and proclaiming His Name.

David dancing before God-II Sam 6:16

10 Hear, LORD, and be merciful to me;
   LORD, be my help.”
If you do the above things God will be merciful to you and will help you. He will be your help!

 11 You turned my wailing into dancing;
   you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

When God starts helping you it will be turned as dancing. Do you know David danced at once? You might be thinking you never danced and don’t know dancing but God will turn your wailing experience to dancing. He will show you how to dance in His presence. You will never going to wear sackcloth but the cloths of Joy. Sorry these dresses are only available with God and in His presence but not anywhere.
12 that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
   LORD my God, I will praise you forever.

When you are clothed with joy your heart sings praises you will never be silent! You will not praise God temporarily but forever until your death. Bring praises through your life.

Let us pray: Dear father in Heaven make our lives not to be silent but to proclaim your goodness and mercies. Cloth us with joy and make our wailing experience to dance in your presence in all the days of our lives to bring praises to you Holy name. In Jesus Name we pray! Amen!

Dear Readers these messages are blogged here from the regular devotions shared by the Author:Sreedhar Jeshurun in the King of Jeshurun Assembly  at 5:00Am  everyday.

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