Best Blogger Tips KING of Jeshurun GLOBAL TERRORISM! | KING of Jeshurun

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Unknown | Sunday, October 05, 2008 | Best Blogger Tips Be the first to comment!


This article is being presented to Christians and non-Christians alike in India&World with Global concern. This topic is quite circumstantial because humanity is living around theworld under treacherous tyranny of one mode or another and innocent people are diabolically afflicted, agonized and alienated in the contemporary bomb blasts, and terrorist attacks at many places in India and all around the world. The 26/11 Terrorist attacks on Mumbai at CST,Taj, Trident,Oberoi,Nariman House,recent Serial bomb blasts in Assam, Hyderabad and Delhi is to name a few resulted in death of hundreds of innocent people picturing and litting the sparks of growing terrorism.It doesn't poking the hearts of particular community but millions of Indian citizens as well as international citizens.

Therefore, it is important for the Christian believer to contemplate the Biblical principles to encounter the growing global terrorism and to guide their decisions in their day-today Christian life as they are serving the nation, ministry and particularly to the society. As far as it is concerned in India in present context there is no safety and security in the hearts of its citizens. There may be taking place Regular crucial and gruesome bomblasts around the country. As a result common man is afraid to move anywhere in the public places or crowds. And as a security concern recently a delhite journalist examined how far the government intelligence agencies and common man are aware of the spying tactics in the current scenario. As a result this journalist placed a dummy bag in the highly crowded place in Newdelhi.This was unnoticed either by the police or comman man for several hours.
This shows that our citizens as well as intelligence agencies has to be always alert on the issue of how to counter the terrorism by recruiting or involving even common man into the stream of intelligence agencies. This would really workout and as a result we can stop mass human demises by bomb blasts and terrorist attacks.
This topic is also giving vivid significance to a Christian to know whether he is having any key role to play in dealing social issues that faces society and how he can help to bring the kingdom of God on the earth as salt an
d light of the world (Matt5:13-16).F.R.Beatie says, “Christianity is either everything for mankind or nothing” on this basis there is lot of delineation of a Christian response,reaction and combat to growing global terrorism. The Christian has a pivotal role to play for the safety and security of his nation by informing the concerned authorities about any suspicious incidents or atmosphere if noticed anywhere.

Definition of the word TERRORISM:
is the use or threat of violence to produce
fatal phobia in people and weaken their resistance. Common acts of terrorism include assassination, bombing, kidnapping, and raping women, attacking and murder. Political terrorism is used to gain or keep power. Mostly, terrorism is conducted by government leaders, political personalities, religious heads, and affluent business personalities in a country. The main aim behind is to preserve or amplify their
power and popularity. They have violence and fear to maintain their authority, virility to eliminate their factional opposition. During 1930's for e.g.: The dictators Adolph Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Joseph Stalin of Russia used wide spread terrorism for their purposes.
Terrorism has also been practiced by political movements and religious movements against established governments. Some Revolutionary organizations have used
terrorism to force governments to change certain policies. Guerilla warfare is roving bands of fighters who make sudden attacks and then disappear.During 1970’s Arab guirellas terrorized Israel with bomings, kidnappings and murdering. They hoped to force Israel to yield to Arabic demands and also to make western nations reduce their support to Israel. In return, Israeli forces attacked territories to reduce the guerillas support.Terrorism frequently results in counter terrorism. The Irish and the British have used terrorism against each other since England first conquered and occupied Ireland in the 1500’s.Roman Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland were divided into two countries in 1920.The word ‘Terrorism’ first appeared during the French revolution (1789-1799).The French leader Maxmilian Robespierre adopted a policy of violence and fear to defend the revolutionary government against its enemies.Spying is a gift:

In the Old Testam
ent spying is a God given talent & responsibility in the life of Israel (Josh 2:1).
If we examine the importance of world wide spying network, it plays a pivotal role in the safety and security concern of a country. In other words it is evident that a "strong and very well equipped spying network results in a secured future of a nation. A weakened spying network of a nation results in its shaken security future of a country".

The top 5 listed nations which have strongholds in the spying network are as follows :

Israel is said to be "The best in spy network intelligence"

Mossad: Worldwide intelligence collections, counter terrorism activities, covert action and paramilitary activities.

Aman: Military related intelligence agency.

Shabach: Internal securityconcerns.

3) United States:No attack after sep/11 & anthrax alert,now high alert with Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

3)United Kingdom: After 7/2005 London underway train blasts developed its investigation skills and successful in thwarting recent'Airmass murder with M16.

4) Russia: Kills even slightest provocation of terrorists never negotiates with terrorists, KGB's network is getting stronger, has a network of spies to match the US, doesn't trust anyone, has poor opinion on Asian security.

5) China: Has many intelligence agencies with cruel and feared reputations. Its official agency Xinhua is an intelligence unit. Some others are:1) Ministry of state security (MSS) 2) The communist party central security (CPCS) 3) The Guan 4) Ministry of Public security (MPS) 5) People's armed police (PAP) 6) People's Liberation army (PLA).

If we consider the spying network of Indian nation it is striving hard in many areas to counter terrorism, it is helpless it became haven for the terrorist attacks.So the need of citizens to involve to fight against terrorism is needed to support the government and police departments in its measures and efforts to safeguard the nation.
·Since 2001-2002: there were 4992 terrorist attacks.· 2002-2003: there were 5503 terrorist attacks.

· 2003-2004:t
here were 4998 terrorist attacks. · 2004-2005: there were 4098terrorist attacks.

· 2005-2006: there were 2150
terrorist attacks.

'174 terror groups operatingacross India':New Delhi, Oct 31 (IANS) A staggering 174 terrorist, insurgent and extremist groups,many of them little known, are operating across India, figures compiled by a terror watch portal show.
The maximum number - 40 - operate in Manipur, followed by 36 in Assam, 32 in Jammu and Kashmir, and 30 in Tripura, figures compiled by the South Asia Terrorism Portal say.
Punjab is home to 12 terror groups, Meghalaya to four, Nagaland to three, Mizoram to two and Arunachal Pradesh to one.
The list also includes pan-India Left-wing groups like the People's War Group and the Communist Party of India-Maoist, as also other extremist groups like the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and the Deendar Anjuman.
The follow
ing is a thumbnail sketch of the various terror groups operating in India:
Assam: 36 groups. Prominent among them are United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO), Karbi National Volunteers (KNV), Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Harkat-ul-Jehad.
Jammu and Kashmir: 32 groups. Prominent among them are Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, Harkat-ul-Ansar (presently known as Harkat-ul Mujahideen), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem, Harkat-ul Mujahideen (previously known as Harkat-ul-Ansar), Al Badr, Muslim Janbaz Force and Ikhwan-ul-Mujahideen.

Punjab: 12 groups. Prominent among them are Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF), Khalistan Commando Force (KCF), Bhindrawale Tigers Force of Khalistan (BTFK) and Dashmesh Regiment.

Manipur: 40 groups. Pro
minent among them are United National Liberation Front, People's Liberation Army, People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (Prepak) - all of which now operate from the unified platform of the Manipur People's Liberation Front (MPLF), Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) and Kuki National Front (KNF).

Tripura: 30 groups. Prominent among them are National Liberation Front of Tripura, All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) and Tripura Liberation Organisation Front.

Nagaland: Three groups - National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah), National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) and Naga National Council (Adino).

Meghalaya: Four groups - Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC), Achik National Volunteer Council, People's Liberation Front of Meghalaya and Hajong United Liberation Army.

Mizoram: Two groups - Bru National Liberation Front and Hmar People's Convention-Democracy.

Arunachal Pradesh: Arunachal Dragon Force
After July 11/2006 Mumbai blaststhe Indian government focused on 2 eye opening questions.1} How much are we aware about the strength of our enemy?2) What is our responsibility for our security policy?
1 Ans) The strength of the enemy is its terrorist camps where terrorists are trained. By destroying the enemy's infrastructure we can reduce its strength. The Israelis attack on Hezbollah's terrorist camps reveals this issues.
After the July 11 2006 Mumbai blasts the CNN.IBN made a survey in relation whether to follow? Or not to follow? The Israelis attitude towards terrorist activities.

The result was nearly 87% of the Indians responded positively to follow the Israelis attitude in this regard. In addition to this major General (Rtd.) Dipankar Banerjee (Director of IPCS "Institute for peace and conflict studies" a leading think tank New Delhi has said "Israel is the most cited example that India ostensibly should follow"

2 Ans) The responsibility of the nation as well as citizens in the country is to strengthen and stabilize the intelligence infrastructure by recruiting more intelligence agents
and informers. And some governments in India have recently started this effort to involve every citizen as a volunteer intelligence officer so that anywhere any suspicious incident is noticed would be informed to the police immediately.» As far as it is concerned in India there are 8 intelligence agencies working.

» (IB) Intelligence Bureau (espionage with in India with
3000 people apart from informers).
a) It has (MAC) Multi Agency Centre: collects terrorism related information

b) (JTFI) Joint Task Force on Intelligence: relays this information to states.

» (RAW) Research and Analysis Wing: Espionage outside India with 1000 people and is smallest External covert intelligence unit in the world.

» (DIA)Defense intelligence Agency:Defense related information.
» (MI) Military intelligence.

» G Branch (BSF Intelligence).

» (DRI) Directorate of Revenue intelligence: Economic & drugs.

» (NCB) Narcotic Control Bureau: Drug related information.

» (SIU) State Intelligence Units: Police Units.
Coming to the point of Christian way of life the believer being the spiritual spy has to evaluate his enemy’s strongholds & plans and has to counter the enemy with the divine omnipotence available in the Bible with doctrine of the word of God and must develop his strength with the word of God.
In (Numbers 13:16-ao) Moses commanded the spies to know whether the people of Canaan are strong or weak, few or many •
. In (Numbers 13: 28,31-33) the spies replied that the people of cannan are stronger than Israelites •
So the strengths and strongholds of the worldly people might be their well being Physical conditions, might be their outward beauty, might be their relatives, might be their money, might be their property, might be their worldly knowledge, might be their talents, it might be anything related of this world. They may have the fewer tendencies toward the sufferings of the world.
But we being believers in Christ his ambassadors in this world as spiritual spies may be weaker in many aspects of our life. We may have more tendencies toward sufferings. Being believers we may need to undergo lot of sufferings in this world (Acts 14:22; Phil 1:30; Pet 4: l).
We may be weaker in many aspects of life (2 cor 11:29-30).
If we see the life of
David he was physically weaker than Goliath, Joseph was the lonely person in the foreign land, Daniel was alone in the Babylon but they depended upon the divine omnipotence of God they trusted the lord in the every aspects of their life (Jer17:7; psalm 34:8; 118:8,9; Phil 4:13,2 Cor 12:9-10).
• Being spiritual spies as believers in this world we are commanded not to be in offensive action against Satan but to be in defensive action .against Satan (Eph 6:10-12). The Greek word used for withstand is “histemi". We are commanded to withstand with the doctrine in our frontal lobe and counter all kinds of satanic temptations. We cannot bind Satan with our power but God Jesus in the second coming after tribulation and before millennium would bind Satan and cast him into the Hades. {Rom 16:20; Rev 20:7;10).So when we stand on behalf of God as his ambassadors in this world like David stood the lord will fight on behalf of us and gives victory in our Christian life (I Tim 6:12).
Conclusion: The Christian is a citizen of heaven and also a temporarily a citizen of the earthly country where he is born or naturalized. God in His eternal wisdom chose to place us in particular ethnic and linguistic background. Some have the privilege to be born in affluent nations in Christian families and with great spiritual heritage. But others in heathen backgrounds in oppressive nations which are facing the problem of global terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, unde
r development and with physical and spiritual handicaps.As Christians we are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Believers should depend on the Holy Spirit of God to handle every situation wisely. All our actions must be according to the principles of the word of God. Come let us together fight the National terrorism and Global terrorism by supporting our governments to safeguard the safety and security of the citizens(Rom 13:1-7).And let us regularly pray for the National and Global security concerns(I Tim 2:1-4).

And let us sing:

Mazhab nahin sikhatha apas mein bair rakhna hindi hain ham vatan hai hindusthan hamara,hamaara......."(Religion does not teach us to bear ill-will among ourselves We are of
, our homeland is Hindustan)."
- Sreedhar Jeshurun.
a)Business& Economy b)India Asian News Services c)The Bible verses (NIV).


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