How wonder it is to see that wonder working creator in whose Unique name “Yahshua the Massiach” [The Lion & The King of tribe of Judah] we believed. There is a beautiful song by Don Moen which goes like this :
God Will Make A Way
Words and music by Don Moen
Proverbs 3:6
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. "
God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.
By a roadway in the wilderness, He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today.
God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way
Do you trust the LORD that he will wonderfully makes a way,a solution to our problem,He will guide us to the still calm waters.Each new days are a new blessings to those who really trust in him.The God Of Israel whose word can be trustworthy,who called you with a purpose the purpose is to bring the people to the living word Jesus Christ.Whatever the profession,whatever the situation in our lives do not look at the circumstances but focusing on God and fulfilling his purpose in our lives are more important.there is a saying:
“Don’t tell God how big is your problem ,tell Your problem How big is your God!”.Is it not true that How Big is our God,How wiser is our God,How Almighty is our God.
We see in Mark 2:4-6 that four people had brought a paralytic person to the speaking words of Jesus Christ.This is the real purpose God has chosen you and me. In all our ways to bring glory to God.
So the situation is how tremendous is your problem!How drastic is your situation.Here are the few spiritual formulae to uplift you from the divine source called Bible.Many times we neglect God given education,skillset,material,money,Job etc.We think that they are counted for nothing,We undersestimate they are of very little importance.Do not undersestimate the things and responsibilities god has given to you.Put them in the hands of God and you will see things change to see greater miracles in our lives.
B. Formula 1:When you doesn’t have enough money in your hand ? what will you do? Humanly speaking we try our level best to acquire the maximum amount .
What is God’s Formula for this? God ‘s formula for this is my son don’t take risk ,just keep that little money in my hands,so that I can bless your little to become abundance. We see that five loaves and 2 small fish has been able to be fed to More than 5000 people and 12 baskets remaining.
God here wants us to teach that God has manifold ways to bless us. One way God wants us to bless us with enough money in our pockets and other way to meet the same requirements even with the little money. Some Men of God are blessed with luxurios life like Creflo Dollar is blessed with a Benz Car and with royal residence. Bro.Bakth singh even without Benz and royal residence was able to do greater works for the glory of God.So the formula is in every situation is to submit that little things given by God to you Into the same Hands of God to bless it again Abundantly [This is also called as [Reverse Blessings Process Reverse Blessings]!That’s it! You will see a greater miracle happening in your life with this formulae.
C. The widow having little was able to fill many jars
1 Elisha, who was God’s prophet at this time, had an itinerate ministry over Israel. He would visit these schools regularly and instruct them. These men were the faithful few who swam upstream against the current. Surely God would demonstrate through them the material prosperity that he had promised to the faithful. That would just make sense! But instead, 2 Kings 4 explodes with all its seeming inconsistency before our eyes.
Look at 2 Kings 4, starting at verse 1 (NIV):
The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves."
Can you just see her, facing Elisha? “Your servant, my husband, revered the Lord! You know him! He is your student! You know that he was a godly man. Now he’s dead!” What was her problem? “Why has this calamity happened to us? Why didn’t the promises of prosperity to the righteous come true for us? Why did my husband die in the prime of life before he could straighten out our financial difficulties and provide for his family? It’s not fair!” Have you ever thought that? “I’ve lost a good husband, and now I’m going to lose my sons to pay his debts, and they are going to become slaves! Someone else is going to own them like property!” She had a valid complaint! She, no doubt, had supported her husband’s vision and his goals. She had been an efficient housewife. After his death she used up all their resources to pay their debts, and now she was reduced to nothing. There was nothing left!
She had some little oil and she obeyed what was said by the prophet,eventhough she was nervous she trusted the lord by the sayings of Elisha.With boldness and courage she went ans asked the neighbours for the empty jars.It was the obligation of the neighbours to help the people who were in need but since she had nothing nobody dared to help her in her trouble.Even she might not mentally sure that the neighbours would contribute the empty jars having trust in her.But she trusted and there was huge market for the olive oil on those days exactly God fulfilled her need and she was released from her debts.That’s it submitting the little into the same hands of God who has given us the little things of this world!
D. The small stick in the hands of moses was able to perform greater miracles.
.As you may know, when God called Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt, Moses was not very enthusiastic at first. He gave many excuses why he should not be the chosen one.
Exodus 4:1
Then Moses said, “What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’ ” How would you have answered if God told you to go to your former home where you were a ruler over the slaves and go to the king and tell him that you were told be God to get all the slaves out of there and leave them with no one to do all the work?
In Exodus 4:2 we read
“The Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.”
So after some back and forth, God simply asked Moses what was in his hand. He was holding a stick! With that stick, God will use Moses to save a nation.
Today, God will appeal to Christians to ask you about something that you have. When he does, He expects you to use it. I hear too often from Christians that they do not have the skills to do great things. Well to them I say look what God did with a stick that Moses was holding.
You see you do have a gift. It may be the gift of teaching, sharing, selling, or even organizing a closet. When you turn that gift over to God, you can do miraculous things. When Moses turned that “stick” over to God, it became “The Rod of God!”
With this measly little stick, look what Moses did. First, he turned it into a snake. It was used to bring many plagues that was brought upon Egypt including turning all the fresh drinking water into blood. It was also used to open the Red Sea that would not only bring all of of Israel to safety but also destroy Pharaoh’s Army. Later this “stick” was used to bring water from a rock! This gave the people their children and their livestock water to drink! Then this stick which Moses turned over to God, was used to defeat the army of Amalek.
You see when God asked Moses what was in his hand, he replied with something like “nothing much just a stick.” It could have been a stick that Moses used as a walking stick or a shepherd’s crook. It was really nothing special. But when turned over to God, this stick became one of the most powerful tools in the history of the world!
So if God can turn a simple ordinary stick into one of the most powerful tools in the world, what do you think He can do with some of the more amazing skills and gifts that you have? You may be a husband, wife, mother, father, teacher, manager, business owner, lawyer, teacher doctor, retail clerk, accountant, or simply someone with skills that you think are insignificant but when turned over to God, can and will become a powerful tool!
You may think that what you have “in your hand” or the skill that you don’t even realize that you have as small or insignificant but when turned over to God and used for God, miraculous things will happen.
E. The five pebbles in the hands of david was able to kill the great giant Goliath.
Remember again the five stones which lead to the death of Goliath.David was given Royal armour but he was not comfortable wearing the armour,so he choose the little pebbles.It was the divine orientation and the trust in the Lord Believing [for the battle is the LORD's].
My dear friends may all of us practice this faith formulae to see that our little things of this world perform greater things for the LORD!AMEN!
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”[Phil 4:13].
1.Courtesy by:The Widow's Oil: When Bad Things Happen to Good People | ...By: Vickie Kraft
2. By pastor Bob
3.Courtesy google Images
Hi, Praise the Lord
Thanks a lot for a beautiful article. It was my B'day on 16th Apr and your article was one of the best gifts of my B'day. God will make a way. I was and i m in need of it. I m sure God will make a way !!! Thanks again.
Mona Dale
Iam Happy Mona that Unknowingly I could present you a Birth day gift in the form of this article.Iam happy that you are led to orientation of Divineviewpoint in our Christian life.
[Excerpt from the orkut]