China had been hit by the fall of stock markets and some natural disasters is a result of shemitah alert an indication of upcoming global crisis.If America as a nation doesn't come closer to God has to undergo a sevior divine discipline which would result
China becoming a global super power as they are increasing their gold stocks day by day.There is possibilities that China could emerge a world leading exporter of consumer goods by devaluing their currency..Already America , India and many more nations around the world are the good consumer of Chinese goods....Chinese yuan is competitive with Us dollar and Indian rupee as well and could replace the value of dollar as well.
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"Gold is mine silver is mine, says the LORD" (Hag 2:8) |
"Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'"So the last shall be first, and the first last."(Matt 20:15-16).
China is also accumulating tonnes of Gold by buying and owning the Gold mines around the world.China had already accumulated enough gold reserves.Hence China was the largest buyer of gold the rates of gold had been skyrocketed for the past few years.The recent trends of slashing gold prices is the clear indication that China stopped buying the gold because it has enough gold reserves.Once the gold prices further reduces Chinese will buy them at a cheaper prices.China is currently in the 5th place in world gold reserves according to world gold council report but it is believed it has more than 10,000 tonnes unofficially thus standing as the world's No:1, which would shock whole world once it discloses it reserves.
China, Russia Are Quietly Emerging as World’s Gold Buyers
"Chinese officials aim to ultimately challenge the America’s standing as the world’s superpower. That’s why they’re forming a strategic alliance with Russia, an adversary of the U.S. That’s why both the Russian and Chinese central banks have quietly emerged as the world’s largest gold buyers.
In July, the People’s Bank of China reported that it has added a more than 600 tons of gold bullion to its stockpiles since 2009. That represents a 60% jump in gold assets in just six years – in fact all of that new metal was added to central bank’s ledger in June 2015, likely because it had simply moved the metal off the books of state-owned banks which were holding the metal.
The above video explains in between 32-34 minutes,where is the most of the current gold reserves have been stocked from west? The answer is to China and Russia!
Where is All the Worlds Gold?
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty"(Haggai 2:8).
But that’s just what the Chinese are reporting officially.
Unofficially, according to MarketWatch columnist David Marsh, “China probably has a lot more gold than it admits.” That’s because the Chinese government regularly acquires gold directly from China’s mining industry. The transactions are settled in yuan rather than dollars, so most or all of these “internal” gold purchases can avoid showing up as foreign reserve assets.In examining gold flows into China as well as Chinese gold production, some experts believe that China actually holds more than 10,000 tons of gold, not the “paltry” 1658 tons the People’s Bank of China is disclosing".
Here is the excerpt from an article China's gold strategy By Alasdair Macleod:
This development was central to China's emergence as a free-market economy following the post-Mao reforms in 1979/82. At that time the west was doing its best to suppress gold to enhance confidence in paper currencies, releasing large quantities of bullion for others to buy. This is why the timing is important: it was an opportunity for China, a one-billion population country in the throes of rapid economic modernisation, to diversify growing trade surpluses from the dollar.
To my knowledge this subject has not been properly addressed by any private-sector analysts, which might explain why it is commonly thought that China's gold policy is a more recent development, and why even industry specialists show so little understanding of the true position. But in the thirty-one years since China's gold regulations were enacted, global mine production has increased above-ground stocks from an estimated 92,000 tonnes to 163,000 tonnes today, or 71,000 tonnes* ; and while the west was also reducing its stocks in a prolonged bear market all that gold was hoarded somewhere.
All the blessings America enjoying is from God " IN GOD WE TRUST" and the actions goes like "IN MAMMON WE TRUST" What would be ahead awaiting ?
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"(Matt 6:19-21).
If our trust is in God everything pertaining to God is ours.If our trust is in wealth (Mammon) then we loose God and His blessings for eternity.
"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name"(Isaiah 45:3).
If our trust is in God everything pertaining to God is ours.If our trust is in wealth (Mammon) then we loose God and His blessings for eternity.
"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name"(Isaiah 45:3).
"I love those who love me,and those who seek me find me.With me are riches and honor,enduring wealth and prosperity.My fruit is better than fine gold;what I yield surpasses choice silver.I walk in the way of righteousness,along the paths of justice,bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me
and making their treasuries full"(Prov 8:17-21).
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth"(Matt 6:24).
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1st US President of America 1732-1799 |
GOD ALREADY BLESSED AMERICA because of their total trust in Him! But if they turn from Him the source of eternal blessings,they are going to loose every blessing.It is now time for AMERICA TO BLESS GOD!