Momento prepared on Isaiah 46:4on KJA 5th anniversary. |
On 25
th August 2013 we celebrated the 5th Anniversary of
KJA and first solid food feeding ceremony of Joan Sansitha.Pastor Selvaraj and his elder son Pastor Kranthibabu (Jesus God
Prayer Church),Pastor.Abraham (Amen Church of Balaji Nagar), Rev.V.Jacob, Rev.P.George,
Rev.G.Vijaya Kumar had graced the Occasion along with 200 participants.
A special dance performance by “Hope Children Home”, Praise and worship by Bro.Joshua
(Gospel Singer & Musician), Jesus God Prayer Church Sunday school &
youth team glorified God by singing songs along with many singers and KJA
gospel singing team.Rev.V.Jacob shared the testimony of
my father and our
family as how 30 years back My family was non-Christian doing Idol worship and
how Mr. Jacob came as newly married man as our neighbor at Thukaramgate, North
Lallaguda and saw our family lifestyle and the business my father was doing. He
shared that he stayed as a neighbor for 2 years and vacated the house but after
15 years later how my father met him on the way unexpectedly and wished him praise the Lord
and suddenly
KJA Believers praising the Lord through singing! |
Mr. Jacob realized that something change took place in my father
becoming Christian. From then onwards my father and Mr. Jacob had fellowship in
the Lord sharing their weal & woes and strengthened my Dad’s new faith in the
Lord. He said he felt happy about the name of Jesus is coming out from a family
who were once devoted to a Non-Christina faith and serving the Lord by
expanding the Kingdom Of God. He shared the word of God From Phil 2:5-11 of
Jesus coming down from heaven to bless the humanity died of sins to give
eternal salvation only by the shedding the blood of Jesus. Jesus is the answer
of our life. later Mr.G.Vijay Kumar prayed for the people who accepted Jesus
Christ as their personal savior.Mr.George shared encouraging words for the
couple Srikanth & Anusha Benoni to rear the Joan Sansitha for the Lord. All
the men of God prayed for the blessings of Joan Sansitha, Mr.Benoni shared the
vote of thanks; the meeting was concluded by the closing prayer by Pastor
Selvaraj and the Benediction by Rev.P.George followed by the dinner.
Group of Participants |
On August 25th 2013 evening it was heavy rains
throughout the radius in Greater Hyderabad but was no rain at our thanksgiving
meeting.Many times thick dark blackened clouds formed and went way as I
commanded them to go away in the Name of Jesus.The great miracle is that there
was heavy rain in ECILxRoads which is just 3 kilometers from our residence but no rain at KING OF JESHURUN ASSEMBLY.All
praise to Jesus for His grace and love towards His children. All glory to our
heavenly father for being with us AMEN!